The anime television series, which has been converted from any manga series, has a different tier and deck. Such a Japanese anime television show is My Dress-Up Darling which has appeared recently and has acquired lots of positive grades. Keisuke Shinohara has directed the series, and Yoriko Tomita has composed all the scenes and surroundings of My Dress-Up Darling.
However, the makers have revised this show from the ninth edition of the manga series named Young Gangan. Takeshi Nakatsuka has tuned the theme song of the anime television series. Whereas, Clover Works had taken responsibility for the production of the series. With all these, Kazumasa Ishida had worked on the character designing and modeling of the series My Dress-Up Darling.
When And Where One Can Watch The First Episode Of My Dress-Up Darling?
The first episode of the show has been premiered on January 9, 2022. The spectators with a subscription to Crunchyroll’s official website can watch the first episode along with other upcoming episodes of it. Meanwhile, Bilibili and iQIYI are also the streaming platform of the show. However, originally the show My Dress-Up Darling had been broadcast on GYT, Tokyo MX, GTV, etc., Metele, BS11, and ATSC.
What Information One Should Know About The First Episode Of My Dress-Up Darling?
The story of the series is about a hardworking and ambitious boy Wakana Gojo who wishes to turn up like a doll craftsman. However, his passion makes way for a conversation between him and Marin Kitagawa. Marin requested him to recreate a costume of her favorite character. Whereas, despite not having any experience, Wakana agrees to Marin’s words and tries to make such a costume on her suggestion.
The makers have titled the primary episode of the series “Someone Who Lives in the Exact Opposite World as Me.” This initial occurrence depicts the isolated lifestyle of Wakana Gojou and his dedication to his work. However, this episode also indicates a traumatic experience of his childhood.
During his classes, he got to know Marin Kitagawa, with whom Wakana strives to develop friendships and affection. However, after this episode, it will be interesting to watch how will the sweet love relation will both of them will cultivate after going through a lot of events.
Who Are All On The Voice Cast List Of The Newly Released Anime Show My Dress-Up Darling?
The talented vocalists who had incorporated their voice for the characters of the series My Dress-Up Darling are Shoya Ishige as Wakana Gojo, Atsumi Tanezaki as Sajuna Inui, Hina Suguta as Marin Kitagawa and Hina Yomiya as Shinju Inui.
Is The Trailer Of This Show Is Out?
The show has come out in the first week of the new year. So it is quite obvious that the trailer has already been released on social media to provide some hints about the show.
The first episode of the show has gained several positive reviews and appraisals; hopefully, the upcoming episodes of the series also earn the same.