Good Girls is the dark comedy show created by Jenna Bans and aired between 2018 to 2021 on NBC. Along with Bans, the show has been executively produced by Jeannine Renshaw and Dean Parisot for Universal Television. The critics and viewers have received the show very well, with a 7.8/10 IMDb score overall.
The show follows the journey of three moms named Ruby, Annie, and Beth, who struggle to make ends meet but eventually decide to take an alternate path that puts their lives in danger. The season 4 of the crime comedy is all set to release on Netflix with season 4, and if you want to know more about it, then keep reading.
Where is Good Girls Season 4 Releasing?
The NBC show will have its season 4 aired on streaming giant Netflix. The show has its previous three seasons on the streamer that those who haven’t watched it can enjoy. But the wait will have to be for a couple of months. Find out below when is the release date of Good Girls season 4.
When is Good Girls Season 4 Releasing?
The fourth and the final season of Good Girls will be not be making its way in January on Netflix. The release has been finalized to be on Monday, March 7, 2022. It is evident because the NBC shows that land on Netflix follows a year gap from they initially came out. Season 4 of Good Girls was released on March 7 last year, so that it will make its way to Netflix exactly after one year.
What is Good Girls Season 4 All About?
The premise of Good Girls revolves around suburban mothers who decide to rob their local grocery store to escape their financial crunch and become independent. However, season 4 will see them diving deeper into the world of crime, with officials keeping a close eye on their moves. The trailer of the fourth season is also available for the viewers.
But unfortunately, season 4 will be the last one in the franchise as the show will not be renewed for the next season, and fans will have to make peace if some cliffhangers and loose threads are offered at the end of the show.
Who are All there in Good Girls Season 4?
The fourth season of comedy-drama will include the familiar names of Mae Whitman (Arrested Development), essaying the role of Annie, Christina Hendricks (Mad Men) essaying the role of Beth and Retta (Parks and Recreation) essaying the role of Ruby, respectively. They are joined by Matthew Lillard essaying the role of Dean Boland, Manny Montana essaying the role of Rio, Reno Wilson essaying the role of Stan Hill, and others.
Will there be Season 5 of Good Girls?
Due to financial constraints, NBC has decided not to go further with this darl comedy show for the fifth season. The series fans might feel dejected, but they will have to make way with the fourth season. Seasons 1-3 are currently available on Netflix to stream.