This drama series is a work of historical fiction based on a World War 2 novel. Based on the novel by Anthony Doerr, going by the same name, ‘All the light we cannot see’ was first published in 2014. It won the Pulitzer Prize in 2015 for fiction and went on to win many more, along with the Carnegie Medal.
This piece of art is seemingly quite different from regular war fiction stories; this piece of art will lead you towards unexplored sides to a war. Themed on instincts and experiences of survival and endurance, this drama is sure to take you on a journey where there is no coming back.
Awaited Release
Culminating the novel into a four-episode drama series, the filming begins around the latter end of March 2022. Though a date has not been confirmed, we would have to hold our curiosity until next year. It would be too early to expect a release in 2022, thus expecting a safe release in 2023.
According to a summary based on the book, we see the story beginning with the invasion of the Nazis. The protagonists of the story are Marie Laure and Werner Pfennig. It revolves around an incredible storyline of the encounters between a genius German soldier and a brilliant blind girl. Marie’s life is shattered when the Nazis invaded her father’s factory when she was just twelve.
On the other hand, Werner grows up as a poor orphan with his younger sister. To know more about what happens, do watch the upcoming series. Though the novel might be complicated to follow at times, the drama won’t seem to let you down.
Interesting Cast
Netflix made an interesting announcement for an audition for the cast in September 2021. The requirements were of a blind or low-vision girl who would play Marie Laure. In December 2021, Aria Mia Loberti was announced to be the leading lady for the new series. She portrayed a calm, quiet yet intelligent girl who later played a major role during the Nazi invasion.
In a few days, Mark Ruffalo and Hugh Laurie joined the cast. Mark portrays Marie’s father’s role, while Hugh plays her uncle. The protagonist, Werner, will be played by a young boy.
Where and When to Watch
The first episode will air at the latter end of 2023, with the filming primarily taking place in Berlin. Catch the show on NETFLIX platforms. Episodes will be aired weekly once. Other platforms will take a while to release, but they are not too far away. The drama is quite short, comprising of 1-hour episodes, with a total of 4 episodes. It may be short but huge enough to keep you off your seats.
Don’t forget to watch this Mind-boggling series which deals with hardships, friendship, betrayal and everything between. If you are a War fanatic who is into fiction, then this series is definitely going on your watch list!