Shenmue, popularly called Shenmue, the Animation, is a forthcoming Japanese anime television show produced by Telecom Animation Film and inspired by Yu Suzuki’s Shenmue series of games, which was released by Sega. From 1999 until 2019, it launched parts in 3 distinct genres.
The planned television adaption was arranged in 1986 in Yokosuka and revolved around the main character named Ryo Hazuki, who has been studying to acquire ‘Hazuki-Style Jujitsu’ under stern supervision of his father. The Animation is a collaboration between Crunchyroll as well as Adult Swim, and it will debut on February 6, 2022.
Release Date And Where To Watch
Depending on where you are in the world, the Shenmue animation series will premiere on either February 5 or February 6. Because the show is an exclusive co-production among the 2 platforms, the 13-episode Shenmue animation will be only streamed on Crunchyroll and shown on Adult Swim at the same time.
Viewers should be aware, however, that the dubbed edition would only be accessible on Adult Swim’s Toonami television program, while the subs edition would be accessible on Crunchyroll. The anime version was launched in September 2020, with development set to begin in a few years, coinciding with the launch of the newest Shenmue computer game in 2019.
What Is The Story About?
“Yokosuka, 1986. Ryo Hazuki learned Hazuki Style Jujitsu from his stern dad in the Hazuki Dojo since he was a toddler. However, one day, a strange figure called Lan Di assassinates his dad and steals the “mirror” he is guarding. Ryo is eager to learn the facts about his father’s death, but he soon becomes embroiled in a conflict among hidden groups. Ryo’s lengthy adventure begins when he travels from Yokosuka to Hong Kong.”
Who Are The Cast Members?
Shenmue’s media release revealed the confirmed voice talent for both the iconic Japanese and English translation.
The following is the casting list Ryo Hazuki will be voiced by Masaya Matsukaze (Japanese) and Austin Tindle (English), Chai will be voiced by Greg Ayres (English), Lan Di will be voiced by Takahiro Sakurai (Japanese), and Scott Gibbs (English).
Wong will be voiced by Bryson Baugus (English), Ren will be voiced by Cody House (English), Shenhua will be voiced by Natalie Rial (English), Joy will be voiced by Luci Christian (English), Dou Niu will be voiced by Joe Daniels (English), Nozomi Harasaki will be voiced by Cat Thomas (English), Guizhang Chen will be voiced by Jeremy Gee (English), Xiuying Hong will be voiced by Christine Auten (English).
More Shenmue voice actors are expected to be announced as we move closer to the original broadcast on Crunchyroll and Funimation.
The official trailer opens by demonstrating Ryo’s Jujitsu abilities as he takes a battle against a trainee. Ryo declines his friends’ invitations to enjoy his victory in addition to training with his parent, but upon arrival at the Hazuki Dojo, he sees his father’s death.
He determines he has to figure out why his father was murdered, and he encounters a slew of interesting personalities while confronted with hard facts. Audiences are exposed to many dramas and spectacular battle sequences as the trailer proceeds.