Killing Eve is a famous British thriller series by Damon Thomas. The show premiered on 8th April 2018 in America. Later, the show premiered on 15th September the same year on BBC iPlayer. This British series has won many awards including Peabody Award and Best Drama Award. When the show was first released, it broke many ratings and records, especially among Youths. It is also popular among thousand of adults cuz of its thrilling storyline.
The third season of this show premiered on 12 April 2020 and ended on 31st May in the same year. The plot of the show focuses on a brave female assassin, Eva. Furthermore, it highlights the bond of Eva with Villanelle in the series. This British thriller show is about to finish its final season by the end of this year. Let’s have a look at the second episode of the fourth season of this thriller show Killing Eve.
Episode 2 Release Date
The second episode of the fourth season is set to be released on 6th March 2022. The fourth season premiered on 27th February and sadly it’s expected to be the final season also. Episode 2 will premiere on 7th March if you are planning to watch it on AMC.
For BBC One and iPlayer viewers, the show will premiere the next day. You can enjoy the show on 7th March at 9.00 pm according to Eastern Time.
Episode 1 Recap
It’s easy as well as thrilling to guess the plot of the first episode ‘Just Drink Me’. The episode starts with the noise of Elections and Sirens. Season 4 is a bit different from the previous season as we can that the roles are exchanged here. Eve is set on the path of revenge while Villanelle is on the path of serving the god. Indeed, it was surprising to see Villanelle wearing the Crimson robe and being the holy lady. At the same time, Fans were shocked to see the new and upgraded version of Eve.
The connection between Villanelle and Christianity is fascinating in season 4. She believes that living according to Bible will keep her pure. She thinks Christianity will ensure her life is sinless and innocent. Villanelle also insists she wishes to make up for her mistakes of the past. However, we all know Eve is correct this time. Villanelle has not yet changed. She only wants Eve to see that she has changed this time.
Spoiler for Episode 2
Well, just the title of this episode ‘Don’t Get Eaten’ is enough to know that the episode is gonna be thrilling. We will also get to see that Eva will think to collaborate with Villanella. Eva thought that she might help her in the mission against the twelfth. Fans will also get to see Villanelle’s journey deviating from the expected point. Overall, it would be hard to resist the temptations of waiting for the 2nd episode of this series.
Where Can You Watch the Show?
If you are in Canada, You can stream the show on the CTV channel at 9.00 pm. If you have access to Cable service, you are lucky here. As you can enjoy Episode 2 easily on BBC America and BBC iPlayer. Even if you don’t have the cable service, you can still stream this episode. This thriller show is available to stream on many platforms like Sling Tv, Fubo Tv, Philo Tv, and Hulu Tv with the subscription.