The Masked Singer is an unscripted reality show conducted in the United States of America. This reality show is a singing competition reality television show. The first season of this television show was released on January 2, 2019, on a TV channel named Fox entertainment. The theme of the show is based on the Korean singing competition program called “The King of Mask Singer”.
The concept of the show is created by Craig Plestis and, it is directed by Alex Rudzinski and Brad Duns. The language used in the show is the English language and, till now this show has reached 7 seasons with 87 episodes. The latest season of this show was released on March 9, 2022.
Release Time
The latest episode of season 7 that is episode 3 can be streamed live on March 23, 2022, Wednesday at 8:00 pm Eastern Time(ET). This episode will be aired on Fox entertainment television channel directly. And according to Indian Standard Time, it will be 5:30 am Thursday. All the previous episodes of this season were also released at the same time.
What To Know Before Watching?
The format of this American reality show is that it presents a group of people or celebrity contestants. And a singing competition is set up between them. All the contestants in this show are top to bottom covered with their faces covered with a mask.
Battle rounds are conducted between these contestants, and each contestant sings a song with a time limit of 90 seconds. The audience sitting around the set is also covered up. And, a percentage pole is given by the audience according to the singing of a contestant.
The contestant with a low percentage takes off his or her masks and introduces themselves to the audience. Each season of this show continues till it reaches its top three contestants and among them, one contestant is selected as a winner.
And the winner is awarded a trophy designed as Golden Mask. And after that, the next season is conducted with new contestants and sometimes with new guest judge panels. Till now, the judge panelists are the same and are Ken Jeong, Jenny McCarthy, Nicole Scherzinger, and Robin Thicke.
Where To Watch?
Episode 3 of season 7 can be streamed directly on the television set on March 23, 2022, on the Fox entertainment channel. It will also be available on OTT platforms like iTV, Hulu, FuboTV, and Tubi TV. Also on these OTT platforms, you can stream all the previous seasons too by taking their subscription. Some of the episodes are also available on YouTube for free.
The rating of this reality show is 5.9 on a scale of 10 in IMDB and 81% of people liked this show according to Google. The rating of the show is not much attractive because of the lack of reality in the show. This show is just for entertainment and drama. Every episode in this show has a fixed runtime of 1 hour. Initially, this show gained popularity, but due to the unchanged format of the show, the popularity decreased gradually.