“Bob’s burgers” is an American animated series created by Loren Bouchard. The first episode was launched in the year 2011. Initially, the show did have mixed reviews but later, it had a positive spike. Bob’s Burgers is considered to be one of the best cartoon shows and has received multiple awards. The show has a total of 12 seasons as of now and here we are waiting for some exciting news related to the latest episode.
The story revolves around Mr. and Mrs. Belcher who run a burger restaurant. The plot continues to be around the couple, their children, and their adventures. As we are headed towards the release of episode 16, we’ll quickly run through the series and later discuss the release date, what is expected to happen, and where to watch the show.
A Quick Run-Through
“Bob’s burgers” is primarily around Bob, who owns a burger restaurant. Linda, his wife supports him and looks after their three children Tina, Gene, and Louise. The story is essentially around their restaurant, kids, business rivalry, the adventures, and the little family time that keeps them going.
Bob’s Burgers Season 12, Episode 15 Recap
This episode was around Louise, the youngest child of the Belchers. Her teacher keeps a small assessment in class for which the students get rewards. For each correct answer, they are given a coin, with which they can later purchase a gift. The students are made to sit in a circle, so every time when Louise tries to answer, she was left unnoticed.
Curious to get the gift, she prepares her own coins along with her friend and gets caught. Louisa and her friends are punished for the act. Later that night, Bob sleeps away from Linda as she kicks him a lot but still misses Linda. How weird can love be!
Bob’s Burgers Season 12 Rating
This particular season alone is rated 8.1/ 10 by IMDb and 77% by rotten tomatoes. This show has received a TV rating of TV- 14 as it has some adult jokes and other sensitive topics.
Bob’s Burgers Season 12, Episode 16 – Release date
It has been officially revealed that Episode 16 will air on March 27, 2022. One episode will release every Sunday. With each episode’s release, the audience go crazy as they can’t wait for the next episode. Creating a storyline for 12 seasons is not easy at all. Still, the creator and the writers of the show give us an exciting plot every week.
Bob’s Burgers Season 12, Episode 16 – Where to watch?
“Bob’s burgers” is available exclusively on FOX. Apart from this, the series is also available to the audience on Hulu as well. All the seasons are available to an audience who wants a bite of Bob’s burgers.
It is also available on Amazon prime, VUDU, and iTunes but of course, the streaming restricts to very few regions around the world.
Bob’s Burgers Season 12, Episode 16: “Interview With A Pop-Pop-Pire” – What to Expect?
From the synopsis released, it seems like Tina has to interview her grandpa, Big Bob regarding some school project. Later, the entire family gets reminded about an incident that happens long back. The tree incident that happened at pop-pop has been registered differently for a different member of the family.
This could have been due to the interview that Tina wanted for her school project.
In spite of being the 12th season of the series, it never fails to capture the audience. With this pace and dazzling storyline, the team can even go further to entertain and retain its audience.