Welcome to Flatch is an ongoing American sitcom produced by Jenny Bicks. This sitcom premiered on 17th March 2022 and is directed by Paul Feig. This mockumentary sitcom is also the American version of the popular series ‘The Country’. The production and confirmation of the casts of this sitcom started in February.
The series was given a green light on 30th October 2020. It was also decided that the show would be produced by the collaboration of different companies including Lionsgate Television. Perkins Street Productions and Fox Entertainment were also involved in the production and distribution of this series. The name of the show was later changed to Welcome to Flatch on 17th May 2021.
So far, the show Welcome To Flatch has received mixed and average ratings everywhere including on Rotten Tomatoes. Talking about the episodes, the first episode ‘Pilot’ and the second episode ‘Jesus Take The Wheel’ have received more than one million views all over the world. If you are also following this mockumentary series, you must be curious to know about the upcoming episode.
Well, you don’t have to worry about the next episode of the series Welcome of Flatch cuz we have got you covered here. Let’s have a look at episode 3 of the mockumentary series Welcome To Flatch including its release time and streaming details.
Episode 3 Release Date
The third episode of this wonderful comedy-drama is set to release on 31st March 2022. You can enjoy this episode at 5.00 pm according to Northern Time on Thursday. The third episode of this series is both written and directed by the famous artist Paul Fieg. He is an American filmmaker and comedian well known for his movies like Brides Maids and Last Christmas.
Recap of Episode 2
A lot happened in the 2nd episode of the show ‘Jesus Takes The Wheel’. We got to see in the episode about the new business of Kelly. She called it Kuber. It is to give a ride to the customer and she was in partnership with Shrub in this. The shrub also tries to get the attention of Best in the second episode of this series. Later, we got to see that Cheryl has started his investigation. He is searching for the missing sign in the town.
Spoiler for Episode 3
The third episode of the mockumentary sitcom is titled ‘Dance it Out’. Now, fans would probably guess from the title ‘Dance It Out’ itself that the episode is going to be enjoyable. In the upcoming episode, we might get to see the struggle to get the newly landed pair of shoes in the store. Of course, Kelly and Shrub will come up with their creative ideas to get these shoes. They might also sell or pawn some of their precious belonging for it.
Where Can You Watch This Show?
You can stream the sitcom Welcome To Flatch both with Cable Network and without this network easily. All the previous two episodes of the sitcom are available to stream on NBC, ABC, FOX, CBS, and ESPN cable networks subtitles. You can also stream the upcoming episode of the show on Hulu Tv along with the subscription if you have used your free trial.