Charmed is a popular American fantasy series produced by Nicki Renna and Lisa Towers. The series premiered on 14th October 2018. This ongoing fantasy series is the remake of the original show Charmed which aired in the year 1966. However, the show is also quite different from the original series because of its plot and LGBTQ characters.
Before the production of the series, the show went through a lot of changes from the cast to the storyline. Finally, on 25th January 2018, the show was officially announced by the CW. This reboot version was also liked and appreciated by the viewers of Charmed a lot. The series has received many awards including the Leo Awards, Joey Awards, and the Young Artists Award.
Talking about the casts of this fantasy series, you can see many amazing casts here including Nick Hargrove. Madeleine Mantock, Ser’Darius Blain, Ellen Tamaki, Sarah Jeffery Melonie Diaz, Rupert Evans, and Jordan Donica are also some of the important artists featured in this series. If you have watched the third episode of season 4 of this American series, you must be excited to know about the next episode. Well, here is all you need to know about the upcoming episode of Charmed season 4 including its release, time, and streaming details.
Episode 4 Release Date
The fourth episode of the 4th season of this series is set to be released on 1st April 2022.
You can enjoy this episode at 4.30 pm according to Pacific Time on Friday. The fourth season of the series premiered on 11th March 2022 and is expected to be of thirteen episodes. Each episode in season four has a running time of forty to forty-seven minutes.
Episode 3 Recap
In the third episode, we got to see how Mel had a hard time after he break up with Ruby. She was also not able to sleep at night cuz she had nightmares related to their relationship. The problem not only ends here, Maggie and Jordan were also facing some issues. It seems that would also have to face challenges and talk to each other about their relationship especially as the obsession with hunting demons is growing in Maggie.
In the previous episode, Kaela also attempted to show her acquired abilities to her buddies. Her companions, on the other hand, didn’t even come up, which hurt Kaela. Mel was notified by the Control Station that Kaela would encounter a problem; nevertheless, Kaela begged Mel to allow her alone when a mysterious elderly lady walked up and reprimanded her for using her powers before a mortal.
Spoiler for Episode 4
‘A Weekend Gateway’ is the upcoming episode of this fantasy series. Viewers might get to see a lot of changes in the life of their favorite characters in this episode. Due to Maggies’ obsession with demon hunting, she might get into trouble. After her tiring schedule, Mel might also take a break and have fun in the upcoming episode. Overall, it would be interesting to see everything including Lucy managing the Command Centre alone.
Where Can You Watch This Show?
It’s very easy to stream all the latest and previous episodes of this series as it is available everywhere. You can stream the upcoming episode of the show on Apple Tv+, Roku Tv, Pluto Tv, and Hulu Tv. The show is also available to purchase and rent on Amazon Prime Video, VUDU, Netflix, HBO Max, and Google Play TVs and Movies.