Barry follows a disillusioned ex-Marine, who turns into an assassin reluctantly. He accepts a job in Los Angeles, where he discovers his love for the performing arts. The question was if someone could shake off their violent nature. But in the words of the show itself, “a violent piece of sh*t” will always remain just that. Season 2 ended in a cliffhanger which told us that we would see its revival with a third season. The new season was announced in May 2019.
The story will be dark and depressing, so be warned. From season 2, we know that Barry is a bad guy. At least, as of now, he seems that. He could not reform himself; the proof was in the pudding as the evidence provided by the monastery of gangsters he murdered in a fit of rage at his handler, Fuches. That’s a little insight as to who Barry is.
As for the episodes we have now, here’s a quick rundown of what’s going on. Barry gives the Bolivian hit money to Gene, thanks to him and tells him he’ll never see him again. Gene stays back in LA.
Fuchs visits the grieving families of Barry’s first two victims. After everything, the closer to that arc, we see the mother and son buying a Glock and convincing themselves that killing Barry will help them find peace.
Sally’s show, Joplin, hits big, and she tells Barry that it’s the most significant moment of her life, right before she dumps him. She also comes to terms with Barry yelling at her, showing her a place she can never afford to return to.
Now for the speculation about the plot of the fifth episode. Gene, as we saw, has taken the deal of a revived career and a lot of money for his family instead of turning Barry over to the authorities for the murder of Janice. Because of the risk, Gene might lay low for a while before doing anything. The situation with Sally and Barry might also be brought to light.
With Fuches’ plan being put into motion, there is now a looming threat to his life. There’s now a Glock in action, and Ryan’s father is a doctor. The man could easily locate drugs to put down Barry. Fuches’ elaborate plan might take a little more time to cement, but we should see its progress.
Sally’s show might take off, and her relationship with Barry will be an important aspect of the plot that follows. Sally might use this relationship to further her reach in the press and gather more attention helping her career. As a wise man once said, “any press is good press.”
Where To Watch
Barry Season 3 Episode 5 will be released on HBO and HBO Max on Sunday, May 22, at 10 p.m. ET. The show will be exclusive to the HBO streaming service, with plans as low as $9.99/month.