The Umbrella Academy is an American science fantasy superhero series initially released on 15 February 2019. Created by Steve Blackman, the time travel drama series is based on Gerard Way’s comic book series of the same name, consisting of twenty-four issues.
The series is about a group of children born on the same day to some non-pregnant women. Sir Reginald Hargreeves, a billionaire, adopts the children and sets up an academy called The Umbrella Academy to train them. When Hargreeves, like a father to the children, dies, they try to solve the mystery of his death, all the while facing the imminent danger of an apocalypse.
The latest and the third season of The Umbrella Academy was released on 22 June 2022. Unfortunately, this season was a bit complex as many people died in various timelines. Here are some of the characters who died this season (this article contains spoilers for the latest season of The Umbrella Academy).
Marcus Hargreaves
Marcus dies when the Umbrellas return to the present by creating a paradox in time. Because of the interference caused in the timeline by them, a Kugelblitz appears, which causes everything to perish. Marcus tries to calm it but gets sucked inside it instead. All that is left of him is his lean body.
Jayme And Alphonso Hargreeves
Jayme and Alphonso, with other Sparrows, try to attack the Umbrellas after trapping them at the handover of Hotel Obsidian. They almost succeed before Harlan Cooper comes to save the Umbrellas. But instead, he uses his superpowers to blast the sparrows, killing Alphonso and Jayme instantly.
Harlan Cooper
Harlan did some horrifying deeds in his timeline. He killed the mothers of all the Umbrella siblings, for which he paid with his life. The sparrows sought revenge because Cooper killed other Sparrows. Allison was the one who took the matter into her hands when he confessed that he had killed her mother. She killed him and gave his corpse to the Sparrows.
A shockwave created by the Kugelblitz caused Stanley’s death. He went missing a few days before his death, and his parents went to the other timeline to find him. When they returned, they found him dead.
The Guardians
The survivors fight three fierce guardians to reset the universe as it was. First, one of the guardians is killed by Five in the back. Then, Nina and Victor kill the other guardian. Finally, all seven superhumans combine to form a symbol with magical powers to kill the last guardian.
Grace Hargreaves
Grace Hargreeves was considered to be the mother. She worshipped the Kugelblitz as she believed it to be a godlike figure. She uses the flamethrower on the superhumans when they try to defeat the Kugelblitz. She dies when Five snaps her neck and teleports her to someplace else, away from the fight.
Christopher And Fei Hargreeves
The Kugelblitz was stored in the cube, and everyone celebrated as they had succeeded in capturing it. But it breaks free and ends up evaporating Christopher and Fei.
The Umbrella Academy Season 3 is currently streaming o