All American: Homecoming is a popular American sports series produced by Carl Ogawa and Jennifer Lance. The show premiered on 21st February 2022. The show was initiated in 2020 by CW for the character development of this new series.
Later, in May 2021, the series was officially announced for the fans and the viewers. The production of this sports drama started in June after the confirmation of the casts and was wrapped in October. Talking about the casts of this sports drama, we can see many amazing casts here including Sylvester Powell. Geffri Maya, Camille Hyde, Peyton Alex Smith, Mitchell Edwards, Kelly Jenrette, Cory Hardrict, and Netta Walke are other main casts of this drama.
The Plot of the series revolves around an ambitious girl Simone who goes to Atlanta for her dreams. To fulfill her dreams, she leaves her boyfriend back in Los Angeles. Later, the show covers the chemistry of Damon, Simon, and George. If you are also following All American Homecoming, you must be excited to know about episode 5 of the series. Let’s have a look at the upcoming episode of the popular sports drama by Nkechi Carroll.
Episode 5 Release Date
The fifth episode of this sports drama will release on 21st March 2022. You can enjoy the show at 6.00 pm according to the Pacific Time on Monday. The season of this sports drama will have thirteen episodes with a running time of forty minutes. You can also enjoy episode 4 of this drama on the app even if you have missed it.
Episode 4 Recap
A lot of interesting incidents took place in the episode ‘If Only You Knew’. In this episode, we got to see how Jordan got to understand Simon’s life better and Damon realized his feelings. Simone obviously didn’t think about her panic disorder that much when she learned how to manage her university commitments effectively.
They might well have diverse choices when it comes to disclosing every element of their relationships, which might also affect them later. Jordan appeared to be disturbed by a new acquaintance of Simone’s. Their bond was founded mostly on sports and academics.
Nevertheless, they still had a common interest in sports, so he appreciated it when Simone had to attend the doubles competition. Damon was restless all day without Simone to depend on. Neither of them noticed how much they’d grown to rely on another, and it’s a steep slope from deep friendship to unexpected romance.
Spoiler for Episode 5
You can probably guess what’s gonna happen in this sports drama from the title ‘Truth Hurts’. Fans might get to see some big revelations and secrets exposed in the fifth episode of this series. Everyone reveals some secrets in the upcoming episode including Simon. Also, Thea takes the help of Simon for dating suggestions. We might also get to see Damon understanding her feeling better for Simon in the episode.
Where Can You Watch This Show?
This popular sports drama is available to stream easily on many online platforms. You can watch this series on its official platform CW network or CW Tv. The show is also available to stream on Hulu Live Tv at 8.00 pm with the subscription.