The episodes of this psychological thriller drama series Angela Black have been written as well created by duo Harry Williams and Jack Williams. With Golden Globe awardee Joanne Froggatt in the titular character, the show is a gripping story of domestic abuse directed by Craig Viveiros. The director, along with the creators, also happen to executively produce the show along with Christopher Aird and Sarah Hammond.
The production has been overlooked by Two Brothers Pictures. The show received a 64% of rating on Rotton Tomatoes while 6/10 on IMDb, making it overall a fairly decent watch. Let’s have a look at what this chilling story of suspense is all about!
What to Know Before Watching Angela Black?
The drama series focuses on the life of the titular character Angela Black who lives with her family in suburban London. Her family comprises her husband Oliver and their two sons. What seems to be a perfectly happy family is actually hiding a gruesome truth. Angela is the victim of domestic abuse, and her life seems to be controlled by her husband Oliver, whose clutches she cannot escape.
One day a private investigator named Ed comes up to her and changes her life forever. She is revealed of the deep secrets of Oliver from the past, and now it’s her choice whether to continue living the life of a victim or fight back for her freedom. But is this mysterious detective worth believing?
Well, there is a lot to know about the story, so watch the episodes for yourself and find out!
How Many Episodes Are There In Total In Angela Black?
There are a total of six episodes to this show. The show premiered on Sunday, October 10 this year, and concluded on Sunday, November 14, 2021, with the last episode aired at 9.00 pm ET on ITV. It followed the same release pattern every Sunday after The Larkins.
The initial episodes introduced the audience to Angela Black, the woman who seems to have a perfect life with a perfect family, but deep inside, she hides a horrible secret. Towards the end, the episodes focussed on her revenge for atrocities committed on her by her husband.
Who Can All Be Seen In Angela Black?
The cast of the show comprised of Michiel Huisman, Joanne Froggatt, Samuel Adewunmi, Seth Stokes, Clement Stokes, Pippa Nixon, Ashley McGuire, Zora Bishop, Joe Coen, Lara Rossi, Jake Curran, Anil Goutam, Ojan Genc, Sara Houghton, Vineeta Rishi, Deirdre Mullins, Daniel Betts and many more.
Is Angela Black Worth Watching?
The show is a good blend of thrill, suspense, and drama that keeps its viewers on edge throughout its six episodes. The sensitive issue of domestic violence is so portrayed that it opens the eyes of people who presume that a happily thriving family has no secrets to hide.
It is an apt depiction of what middle-class ambitions look like, and this compelling narration of the horrific issue needs to be given a watch. But warning you beforehand, that some moments and scenes might make you sick in the stomach, so be prepared!