Animal Kingdom is an American series. This series is based on an Australian movie produced by David Michod (the movie’s name is Animal Forest). It has a total of 5 seasons with 56 episodes. Season 5 is its latest season, released on July 11, 2021. This series is produced by Jinny Howe, Andrew Stearn, Terri Murphy, and Llewellyn Wells. The story is about a young boy who lives with his alienate relatives as his mother is no longer alive.
Worth Watching or Not
Animal Kingdom season 5 is a very interesting series. It gained both positive critics as well as hostile critics on the Internet. Episodes 1 and 2 didn’t receive much popularity, but after episode 3, this series started gaining popularity and fan following. The best part of this series is that the whole story revolves around criminals. The way they show flashbacks about those people is amazing. The series is very interesting and at the same time full of suspense and thrill. If you like watching such series or films, then this gone be the best.
Release Date and Where to Watch it
Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 7 was released on August 22, 2021. Every new episode is released on Sundays. So you can watch this series on TNT as soon as it is released. And even on TNT’s official website. It is also streamed on Hulu, and you can watch there live. Netflix subscribers will have to search it on another website as it is not available there.
There are many online websites (such as Amazon Prime Videos, iTunes, Google Play, Microsoft Store, and Vudu) where you can purchase it or rent it to watch the series. You can also watch this series for free as some paid websites come up with 7 or more days of a free trial.
Recap of Season 5 Episode 7
In Animal Kingdom Season 5, Episode 7, we see a new character entering and taking away the lead role (might be Deran or J). That new character will lead the group and meet all the roles and requirements that Pope used to do. However, Pope is still not able to overcome Angela’s death. Pope will be angry with Shane as he is responsible for Angela’s death. In the grief of the death and finding inner peace, Pope leaves the city and roams everywhere.
We will also see Pope’s childhood flashback and how Smurf (Janine) has saved her family’s future. Craig will be facing some difficulties as he will become a father. Renn will tell Craig that she will be helping, but Craig didn’t agree to it. So Craig and J will be executing their plan with Renn. But their dream will fail. On the other side, Pope will be on the highway to commit suicide near a community called Kinship of Light and Truth.
He will find a commander named Mickey and a member named Cassandra of that community there. Cassandra will later be seen helping Pope in overcoming his (Pope’s) vision. At the end of the episode, we will see Cassandra and Pope together and relaxed.