Anime 86 (Eighty-Six) is a Japanese series penned by Asato Asato, falling under the genre of science fiction and light novel romance. The series has been exemplified by Shirabii and brought out by ASCII Media Works. The series came out in the year 2017, February 10, and was also published in English Language by Yen Press. This series was brought into television as a telly series fabricated by Nobuhiro Nakayama under the direction of Toshimasa Ishii and penned by Toshiya Ono.
The series mainly revolves around two regions or empires who are at war for 9 years. The main protagonist in this series is Lena who is a determined person and stand against all inhuman acts.
Release Date and Where to Watch?
The 2nd episode of the Season is highly awaited to be watched by the fans. The episode is all ready to air on October 10 since you have to check the date according to your region. Canada, US and European fans can start watching the 2nd episode on the 9th episode, and the other regions can expect to watch the episode from the very next day. Fans can watch the episode best in Crunchyroll, but if you do not have access to it, you need to wait a little longer, a week, to catch up with the latest episode.
Speculations based on Former Episodes
There are very few officials who like to disclose the plot before releasing the episode. But it seems the revelation of storyline is not going to hamper the series since they know fans will still love to watch it, and thus a brief storyline. The upcoming episode has been named as “Its Too Late.” The series depicts two nations at war, The Empire of Giad and The Republic of San Magnolia.
It is depicted that the citizens of both the nations believe that their war is just a mere showoff of power, a war to show their technological advances. They are totally unaware of the fact that the government has recruited Colorato minority people and assigned them as pilots. Lena comes to know about this bitter truth and is surprised to know such discrimination, and determines to fight against it. In the former episode, the fan witnessed Lina to have been subdued by the government.
Shin and his friends, Raiden, Theoto, Anju, and Kurena, have been missing for the past few weeks and no one knows whether they are even alive or not since their capture by the opponent empire, Federacy of Giad. However, on the other hand, Shin was seen to welcome the enemies with utmost pleasure and is having quite a good life. The fellows are seen to be working and learning new cooking skills, but they do miss their old job as a fighter.
In episode 2 fans will witness how Lena is desperate to know where is Shin and how is he. There are several turns of events that are going to take place, and missing a single episode might let fans lose the essence of the series. For more updates and news, stay tuned with us.