One Piece is a Japanese animation series and one of the longest-running in history. The story follows a young pirate after the death of a legendary pirate, Gol D Roger. The latter revealed the grandest treasures in existence just before his death. The young pirate named Monkey D Luffy enters the picture seeking the One Piece just for the sake of adventure.
Luffy, with his crew, is set on the journey where they experience crazy things and people. Their journey reveals the mysteries regarding the prize everyone has been looking for. The series is based on the manga of Eiichiro Oda. The current season is directed by Satoshi Itō and written by ShōjiYonemura. The first episode was released on October 20, 1999. The anime currently holds an IMDb rating of 8.8 and a score of 8.61 on My Anime List.
Plot Speculations of Anime One Piece Episode 1002
In the previous episode of One Piece, King reunites with Queen. The Queen suggests a solution to halt the internal power war temporarily. However, the plot to assassinate Queen is still in motion as Who’s Who lures X Drake to join him, but Drake hesitates. Drake prepares to attack Queen, who corners him, eventually revealing a plan of Who’s Who. Drake finds Luffy and joins him.
In the upcoming episode, the viewers will see the inner turmoil of the crew. Not everyone trusts Drake, who betrayed the Beasts Pirate, and Zoro is ever distrustful of the ex-Beasts Pirate to Luffy. However, Luffy accepts Drake and Heads for the Skull Dome to defeat Kaido.
The Release of Anime One Piece Episode 1002
The 1002nd episode of the series will release on December 5, 2021. In Japan and the UK, viewers can watch it at 6:00 AM, while viewers in Europe and India can watch it at 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM, respectively. The viewers from USA and Canada will be able to watch the series at midnight on December 5, 2021.
According to the show’s premise, a pirate named Monkey D Luffy is after a newly revealed treasure called One Piece. One Piece’s treasure is one of the most revered and greatest of all treasures in the pirate world. So, it starts a competition between the pirates to see who gets to the treasure first. Luffy assembles his crew and straps on for a new adventure while having dreams of becoming a great pirate himself.
The Cast of Anime One Piece Episode 1002
Mayumi Tanaka plays the Japanese version of Monkey D Luffy while Colleen Clinkenbeard voice the English version. The Japanese cast includes Kazuya Nakai, Hiroaki Hirata, Akemi Okamura, Kappei Yamaguchi, Chō, Yuriko Yamaguchi, Katsuhisa Hōki, IkueŌtani and Kazuki Yao.
Their English counterparts are voiced by Christopher R Sabat, Eric Vale, Luci Christian, Sonny Strait, Ian Sinclair, Stephanie Young, Daniel Baugh, Brina Palencia and Patrick Seitz, respectively. The current season of the anime is directed by Satoshi Itō, with ShōjiYonemura as the writer.
Where to Watch Anime One Piece Episode 1002?
Episode 1002 of the anime One Piece will release on December 5, 2021, at 6:00 AM on the Fuji TV channel. The anime is also available to watch on Crunchyroll, AnimeLab and Netflix with a subscription. If the viewers cannot avail these streaming services, they can also stream it on Hulu, Funimation and Amazon Prime Video with the subscription.