Japanese anime show by the name “World Trigger” is inspired by the manga series of the same name. Written and illustrated by Daisuke Ashihara, the manga series took a new platform on anime shows. On October 9 this year, the show aired its third season. The beginning theme is “Time Factor” by Kami was Saikoro, while the ending theme is “Ungai Dōkei.”
What will World Trigger Season 3 Episode 8 be About?
The eighth episode in the third installment of World Trigger Season 3 Episode 8 will show Tamakoma-2 win in B-Rank War, where Tamakoma-2 beat his adversaries. After the fight, Osamu will understand the reason behind his uneasiness in the core of his heart. The observers will then announce the tie between Tamakoma-2 and Kageura Squad. Ninomiya will have a word with his team that will eventually make them a bigger family.
Previously on World Trigger Season 3 Episode 7: The Story So Far
The last episode aired showed Osamu winning the match, yet he felt an uneasiness as if something wasn’t still right. It was probably because they didn’t keep up with the plan, and for Osamu, as captain was not something acceptable. On the other hand, Kiku responded to a message concerning Osamu’s worry for captaincy against Hyuse. However, Shiori thought differently about this.
Osamu is then seen discussing the next battle as he ponders upon the consequences for Hyuse’s Escudo if an exterior map is selected. He is confused about whether it will be possible to use wire tactics and Bullets as done earlier. Shiori is seen getting a call from Uttei, who called her up to congratulate her. He then questions her to know about the rookie member and why there hasn’t been any public revelation regarding him.
Shiori hung him up on the call and tells Osamu everything she heard. Osamu notices that Hyuse’s issue is everywhere, though their team continues to grow. Kuga and Hyuse become the ideal pair. Shiori finds out that Hyuse’s appearance and way of battle are quite dubious, leading to the buzz of gossips and hearsays. Osamu and Shiroi think hard to prevent these rumors from spreading further. Shiori makes a point that if it’s not stopped, the Away Squad election will be affected.
Where can I Watch World Trigger Season 3 Episode 8 Online?
Interested watchers and fans can find the World Trigger Season 3 Episode 8 online on Crunchyroll & Anime Digital Network at 1:30 AM JST on November 27, 2021. The upcoming eighth episode will also be available to watch online on Youtube Channel & VRV via Crunchyroll. Any remaining issues regarding online streaming of the third season will soon be resolved.
World Trigger Season 3 Episode 8 in Binge Watchers List
Anime has expanded its audience and is successfully a trend now for all binge-watchers out there. Noticeably since the pandemic, a lot of people have switched to multiple genres to get rid of boredom. Among these genres, one was Anime. With its amazing story display and wonderful plots, Animes have reached millions of watchers today. World Trigger is a top Anime show that has entered the watchlist of many Binge watchers.