The Japanese television series which has conquered the anime world since 2013 is Attack on Titan. After so many successful seasons, the anime series is now on its fourth installment. However, it’s time for the 77th episode of Attack on Titan within a few days. The penmanship and environment of this well-established anime series had been composed by Hiroshi Seko and Shintaro Kawakubo.
However, the two folks who have provided the characters’ dignity through their direction are Yuichiro Hayashi and Jun Shishido. In addition, Hitoshi Ito, Yasuo Onori, and Makoto Kimura have produced the anime series Attack on Titan. Above all, this show has gained recognition and gratitude worldwide, which has coerced the makers to develop several interesting episodes.
When and Where will the 77th Episode of Attack on Titan Come Out?
The upcoming episode of this show will premiere on January 16, 2022. Before appearing on any kind of online platform, the show has been on air on NHK General TV. However, for the viewers who prefer OTT outlets for them through Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Hulu with a proper subscription. If spectators want to binge-watch the first few seasons, they can choose the Adult Swim website, Netflix and Tubi as per their preferences.
The Plot Synopsis of the 77th Episode of Attack on Titan will be?
The upcoming 77th episode of Attack on Titan is named “Sneak Attack.” This occurrence will portray the well-planned idea and plan to attack the Founding Titan. Moreover, the episode depicts the surveillance of The Jaw Titan, Cart Titan, and Armored Titan for the attack. Along with all these Jaegerists hardships to acquire the arms to cover part of that place after their retaliation.
Which Vocalists have Provided their Voices for the Final Season of Attack on Titan?
Yuki Kaji will be returning as the vocalist of Eren Jaeger in this final fourth season of Attack on Titan. With Yuki Kaji, Marina Inoue as Armin Arlert, TakehitoKoyasu as Zeke Jaeger, Yui Ishikawa as Mikasa Ackerman, and YoshimasaHosoya as Reiner Bruan is the part of the season finale.
People who are behind the English dubbed version of the final season of Attack on Titan are Bryce Papenbrook as Eren Jaeger, Jason Liebrecht as Zeke Jaeger, Josh Grelle as Armin Arlert, Trina Nishimura as Mikasa Ackerman and Robert McCollum as Reiner Braum.
What About the Trailer?
This upcoming 77th season of Attack on Titan is the 18th episode of the fourth season, termed the season finale. However, this part is the second portion of the fourth one. It already appeared a few days ago, which is making it obvious that the trailer is there on social media.
Attack on Titan created the Guinness World Records in 2021 as the Most in-demand anime TV show. This show’s recognition is enough to illustrate the popularity of Attack on Titan.