Banished from the Hero’s Party is also known as I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside. It is a Japanese novel series that is an adaptation of the original anime series of the exact name. The show revolves around a powerful group named Hero’s Party, whose main member is Red, who gets thrown out by his comrades.
It shows the struggles and the fights that he takes along as the show continues. Not just this, various attractive elements in the show will make you fall head over heels for it.
Banished from the Hero’s Party Episode 1 Rewind!
In the first episode of Banished from the Hero’s Party, we get to see Red realizing that the money he is trying to earn is not sufficient to start the business he dreams about. All along with this, Tanta seems to be a little worried about his life, but he doesn’t have any idea about Red being proud of him because of his actions of taking care of his father.
Red goes back in time through memories where he realizes that he was quite blessed by God. The Almighty is the one who grants all these blessings. One of the incidences takes place where he was tested by his friend Ares by giving him some unsolvable puzzle.
Continuation of the Plot..!
He notices that much of the damage took place at that point in time, which reminds him of another incident that occurred with Desmond before being thrown out of the hero’s party. The removal was a big insult to Red as he was a Gideon back then, and this made him leave the party without giving it any second thought.
Plot Speculations About Episode 2 of Banished from the Hero’s Party!
Moving on to Episode 2, we might get to see a lot of drama in this episode as Demon Lord Taraxon and his forces will be seen in their full form. They might be seen trying to get hold of as much as places under them, be it from an independent kingdom to an entire continent.
Red might be seen a little dull here as he has recently come across the remorseful moments of his removal from the Hero’s Party. As he will be seen focusing on his business, it might come to the audience’s notice that he is made for a greater mission than he has been aiming for.
When and Where can We Watch Banished from the Hero’s Party!
Banished from the Hero’s Party episode, 2 will be readily available to watch on October 13, 2021. Still, there will be timing differences as AT-X, Tokyo MX, KBS Kyoto, BS NTV, and SUN in Japan. The first installment is licensed for streaming outside Asia by Funimation. And in the regions of Scandinavian countries, the anime can be easily watched on Wakanim. Other than this, the fans can also watch the show on Animelab in the upcoming times.
Banished from the Hero’s Party seems to be getting great affection from its fans even when it has just been released a few days back. The upcoming plot also seems to be quite enthralling, so let’s wait for the episode to be out.