Sailor Moon is a top anime that motivated all of us to work harder in our life. Sailor Moon is the story of a fragile girl who became the most beautiful shining star in the whole world. The name of this girl in the show is Usagi Tsukino. She is one of the biggest inspirations for people, including the male gender.
She has motivated many kids to push their limits and become the best in their careers. We would see some of the best sailor moon quotes, sailor mercury quotes; sailor Uranus quotes in different languages.
These little girls are going to inspire all of us a lot. We would be able to relate to the mistakes we make in our lives and could work hard on resolving those lifestyle issues to live our lives to the fullest.
Table of Contents
Toggle20) “Believe In Yourself, And Nothing Can Stop You”
- Spoken By: Sailor Venus

One of the most inspirational quotes for all people of the world. This quote by sailor venus is undoubtedly one of the most inspiring on his list. We remember a story of an older man who wanted to become rich at 70. But, he was mocked by people of t
But he believed in himself just like sailor Venus and went on his journey and showed the world that anybody could do anything if they believed in themselves. So, everyone should learn this quote from sailor venus to achieve their goals.
19) “Time Flies Over Us But Leaves Its Shadow Behind”
- Spoken By: Sailor Moon
This dark and lonely shadow quote is sad. The sad feeling that keeps us depressed could be very well related to this quote. How much we try, but we cannot change our past, and the memories of that past, which could sometimes be tragic, would leave their scars on us.
That is something we cannot change, and we must live with it. But remember, these are the scars that make us the strongest in this world, and in some sense, they are also suitable for us.
18) “I Shall Never Doubt The Powers Of Innocent Dreamers And The Powers Of Innocent Children.”
- Spoken By: Queen Nehalania
This quote is very accurate in real life, also. We should never underestimate a power dreamer. They have the inner strength to fulfill their bloody dreams, and they are at any cost going to do it if they are just not a talker or a walker. Apart from that, this quote has a transition: we should not demotivate kids to stop dreaming.
They are so innocent and should not be treated like that. On the contrary, we should always motivate humans with such a big heart and be a reason to encourage them rather than demotivate them.
17) “Pull Yourself Together, And This Is No Time To Cry.”
- Spoken By: Sailor Moon

This quote by sailor moon is so profound if we understand it nicely. People who are weaker during challenging times are not respected anywhere.
We always need to be strong during challenging times in our lives. A point would’ve been that we need to be mentally and physically strong during tough times as God tests our will and inner strength to achieve our goals.
Sailor Moon has given us a lesson for our whole life. We must appreciate the good times, accept the bad days, and face them like true warriors. It would make us very selfish if we only understood the excellent times and started complaining about those bad days.
If we handle them properly, sad feelings are just for a short period. Painful feeling that keeps us back in our lives should be given no space.
16) “Please Stop Talking About Math When I’m Eating.”
- Spoken By: Sailor Venus
Please stop talking about math when I’m eating; it seems harsh. No, guys, I don’t think it’s a short quote. This quote tells us a profound thing if you understand it correctly. This quote says indirectly that we should calculate anything while doing the work.
That is, we should put all our energy and attention into it and do it without any procrastination or conditions. We sometimes try to run away from hard work and live like a loser, but this quote tells us that we are rock stars and are forever young to do something, so we should give our 100% to anything we do.
15) “Even When We Disappear, And New Sailor Senshi’s Are Born, Sailor Moon, You Will Always Be Invincible. The Most Beautiful Shining Star”.
- Spoken By: Tuxedo mask
The tuxedo mask had told a significant quote. This quote is an appreciation of the sailor moon’s good times with the tuxedo mask. He says that despite her death, she would remain close to everybody’s heart due to her extraordinary skills and perseverance.
With Sailor senses being born, he meant to say many people would come and go in this world, but she was a leader of her world.
Many people would live their life with the same purpose as yours, which says the line, new sailor senses, but your style of doing that work defines you and your personality. Many people would choose different lifestyles, but your lifestyle would remain the epitome of simplicity.
14) “Find Out Cape Boy”
- Spoken By: Rebels

This quote is insulting, said Rubeus.
It was sledding that Rubeus did. He was calling a person who used to wear a cape as a cape boy rather than calling him with his name. Rubeus intended to make fun of that guy, which is not good. He was so proud of himself, and that ego was visible.
Always remember that pride means hurting one; this is not true. It would help to live a life worth living rather than keeping your ego on your head. Or else you would lead to the same fate as Rubeus or other people with an ego on their heads.
13) “It Looks Like You’ve Learned Your Lesson! The planet Of Venus, The Goddess Of Love And Beauty, Can Even Tse the Stink Of A Toot In The Name Of Lovely Justice!
- Spoken By: Sailor Venus
Sailor Venus spoke this quote to give a lesson to their fellow guy. He wanted to give a tight slap to the ego of the fellow character. We all know that the plant of Venus is the God of love and beauty, and we never expect Venus to go into a war, be rude, or do something negative in nature.
But this time, Venus risked using the stink of a toot to give justice. So this quote tells us a profound meaning. It asks us to never agree with someone unthinkingly.
People always believe we are weak if we talk to them softly, which is not a correct perception. We should raise our voices whenever and wherever we think it is required.
This quote is very much relatable to the current scenario in this world. This world-worth saving selection should be pasted in your mind thoroughly. Also, pride means hurting one, which is never right, so beware.
12) “There’s a Deafening Silence Coming Closer. Something Terrible Is Going To Happen.
To Avoid It, We Need To Have These Mighty Pure Hearts. I Hate Sacrificing Life, But If It Helps Save The Rest Of The World, Then I Must! Well? Well, What Would You Do?
- Spoken By: Amara
Amara, one of the forever beautiful girls, is discussing sacrificing herself. She knew that something terrible was going to happen shortly. But she did not fear anybody.
She was talking about having a whole heart. She was always against sacrificing some life to live peacefully, but in this case, she said that she would offer a life if it would make this world peaceful.
This is such a big statement; this quote tells us that in some scenarios, we would have to make tough decisions to live our lives by achieving our goals to the best of our ability.
This is something that we need to learn in our lives. She also talks about getting reborn in another life and sacrificing this complete life for the world’s well-being. But is there a thing like being reborn in another life? Or is it only symbols of fake teaching? Well, now people believe that it is not just only symbols, but it is somewhat true in real life11)
11) “I won’t Let You Take Advantage Of Women! Here’s The Mars Power flame Of Anger!
- Spoken By: Sailor Mars

One of the most aggressive quotes by the right boy in this show. Mars is known to be the planet of Anger. This quote shows that Mars is unhappy with her fellow person for disrespecting the women. This is very much true in our real life also. We all need to respect and dignity of women.
We say Mars is the right boy to do so because Mars is known for its Anger and power. We all know that so much mishappening is going on with women all over the world.
People do not dignify them and behave with them like they are enslaved. We need to be strongly prepared to fight such enemies of humanity.
10) “Just Because You’re A Girl Doesn’t Mean You Must Wait For A Prince To Come Along On A White Horse. You Can Go Out And Find Prince Charming Yourself. It’s Up To You To Find The Right Boy”.
- Spoken By: Sailor Mini-Moon
This quote has got a profound meaning if you understand it correctly. We often see women getting everything they demand on their tables. They usually wait for things to go to their side to succeed in their lives. But this quote asks the women to stand on their feet alone and fight this world like a warrior.
Women have much more strength than men but are still deep inside. They must observe it and then work on achieving their goals without waiting for another person’s help. Sailor mini moon has inspired women worldwide to fight for their rights, even if the odds are against them.
To find prince charming, she means to say all those kinds of stuff, whatever the women want to achieve in their lives.
9) “Who Wants That? I’d Instead Choose To Fall In Love And Be Hurt. Sometimes I Can’t Even Sleep Because I love Someone Too Much. And There’s Always Sadness In Our Lives. It’s That Sad Feeling That Keeps Us Going”.
- Spoken by: Sailor Moon
This sailor moon quote is one of the best on this list. People worldwide easily relate to this quote and thus have rated it as the best sailor moon quote. The line chooses to fall in love with this sailor moon quote has stolen the heart of everyone.
All of the former rock stars of this world have, somewhere or the other, fallen in love and been hurt, but that is how they became a big superstar. We have one life, so why should we live it like a loser? Instead, we should try everything in this life to make it an enriching experience.
8) “One More Point Would’ve Gotten Me A Perfect Grade, But I Guess I Didn’t Study Enough.”
- Spoken by: Sailor Mercury
This quote is pretty much relatable in our lives. We always think about that one thing that is missing in our life and leave all those things behind that God has given us. We are never satisfied with our lives, so we roam like fools.
Of course, we must always respect whatever we have and try to improve every day, but that should not be the sole reason for living this life. Sadness decreases drastically when we stop comparing our lives with others. Yes, we should try our best to become the best version of ourselves, though.
7) “Very Impressive, You Didn’t Land A Single Punch.”
- Spoken by: Prince Darien

This prince’s quote is an appreciation for his fellow mate as he was rescued from every punch approaching him. This is truly an inspiration for us. We all know that inside, we all are keen to get some appreciation from people.
We must fall in love with our work to reach the top height of success. Then, people will start appreciating you for your extraordinary work. So always remember to work the best and not care about the results.
6) “If A Soldier’s Pride Means Hurting One Another, I Don’t Want It.”
- Spoken By: Sailor Moon
You will fall in love with this quote from sailor moon; a soldier’s pride means hurting. This moon quote is very much needed in this world to revive humanity. We are all ready to kill each other to show our worth.
This is not the right thing. We all should know that humanity is the most prominent religion. We see people going to any extent to achieve their goals, even if it is against humanity, which is an evil deed. It would not be worth it even if you reach something like this. So we need always to keep it in our minds.
5) “My Guardian Is The Planet Of Silence. Soldier Of Death And Rebirth Sailor Saturn!
- Spoken by: Sailor Saturn
Sailor Saturn is giving us an important message through this quote. He shows how much faith he has in his guardian. We also need to have confidence in ourselves and our guardians. Our guardians are always there to help us out.
It could be your parents, God, or whatever you believe in the most. But make sure that you keep that belief alive. In this quote, you can see the confidence that he is carrying in his guardian. If we have the same self-belief, we can achieve anything in this world.
Read More: The 20 Funniest Anime Quotes of All Time
4) “It’s Not Nice To Pick On People Weaker Than You.”
- Spoken by: Sailor Jupiter
This quote is very much famous in this anime by Sailor Jupiter. We see people showing their strength over the people who are weaker than them. Due to their power, it is evident that the weaker ones would get scared of them and would lose. But those who pick on the guys more vulnerable than them are the biggest loser on this planet.
Sailor Jupiter says the same thing, which we need to understand. It has a profound meaning, and we should try to understand it. When we try to pick on the people who are better than us, even if we lose deep inside, we will undoubtedly grow from the outside.
3) “Holding You Close And Giving You Kisses Aren’t The Only Symbols Of Love. Watching Over Someone From Afar Is A Kind Of Love, Too”.
- Spoken by: Sailor Pluto
Sailor Pluto is telling the truth to this generation. We see kids of this generation expressing their love through kisses and physical interactions. How could this be the only way to express love? Steadfast love can sustain you even if you are far away. You do not need to kiss to show affection towards your partner every time.
This has a deep meaning, and we need to understand it properly. Next time we meet our partner, we do not need to kiss her to express our love. Try something else to show your affection.
2) “They Call Me The Sailor Scout Of Destruction Only Because I Possess Powers That Could Destroy A planet. They Fear Me”.
- Spoken by: Sailor Saturn

This quote shows the ego of Saturn. He is getting self-obsessed through this quote. He is leading the world that he is most vital, and the world fears him and bows below him.
But maybe he is wrong, as everybody thinks I am the strongest in this world and only because of me is this world running. But this is just another misconception, and we should all avoid such thoughts.
1) “You Saved My Life, Though, So You Must Have Some Heart. And Now That You Know You Were Wrong, Maybe You Can Start Changing Your Ways”.
- Spoken by: Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon, champion of justice, tells one of her fellow mates who believes he is a bad guy to change his way of living. That guy saved the life of sailor moon, after which sailor moon fell in love with him and his innocence deep inside.
He asked that guy to unveil himself as even you have a heart full of positivity. He asks that guy to change his way of living. Similarly, we should change whenever and wherever needed to become the best version of ourselves.