Big City Green is a popular adventure comedy series produced by Chris Houghton and Shane Houghton. The show premiered on 18th June 2018 and it’s on the way for the fourth season now. The show was officially announced in the year 2016 and the production work took place in 2017. The storyline of the show revolves around a small country boy who lives with his family in a village. As the family loses their land in the village, they move to the Big City.
The series further centers around how the boy and his family adjusted to city life. Fans also got to see numerous challenges faced by the Green family along with lots of humor. Bob Jules, Artemis, and Herington are among the main voice casts of this series. If you are confused about the comedy show Big City Green or wondering where to watch it, you are at the right spot. Here is all you need to know about this American adventure comedy Big City Greens.
Review of the Show
Most of the viewers have really liked the comedy show Big City Greens. In fact, this adventure series also ranks among the most popular comedy shows of the year by many platforms. You will probably be lost in the world of the hilarious Green family from the first episode of season 1 itself.
Kids and teenagers especially like this show as it includes cricket, adventure, the mischievous little brother who brings new trouble every day to entertain the viewers. Fans are really fascinated by such sweet and funny characters of the Green Family, especially Tilly. She was adored by a large number of viewers. Her character was designed to be really loveable, she stands bravely for what’s right and fights against the wrong.
Should You Stream It Or Skip It?
You should definitely stream this wonderful comedy show if you prefer watching animations and adventure cartoons with your family. It does not matter what your age is, this series will surely make you laugh a lot throughout the end.
According to many viewers, the show is also very underrated as it deserves a lot more. The bonding between the green family, friendship, standing with each other during hard times, this show teaches us a lot along with making the fans laugh. Every character of the Green Family has its own specialty and would quickly make a special spot in your heart.
Voice Cast of the Show
Well, talking about the voice cast of Big City Green, we have some amazing casts behind the screen. The character of Cricket is voiced by Chris Houghton in this adventure comedy show. Next, everyone’s favorite Tilly is voiced by Marieve Herington in all the seasons of the show.
Marie is a popular Canadian actress and is well known for her voice in the series Alpha and Omega. The voice of Bill and Alice is also portrayed by Bob Joles and Artemis Pebdani respectively in this comedy show. Bill is a growing actor while Pebdani is a popular American actress who is famous for her roles in shows like The Rainbow Times and The Croods Family.
Where Can You Watch This Show?
You can enjoy this adventurous comedy show easily on many online platforms. The official site to enjoy all 3 seasons of this American show is Disney+. The series is also available to stream on Hulu Tv, Fubo Tv, and Sling Tv, you can also buy and rent it on iTunes and Google Play.