BMF or Black Mafia Family is an American drama series falling under the genre of crime drama. Randy Huggins fabricates the series with executive producers Curtis Jackson, Terri Kopp, Anthony Wilson, and Anne Clements. The productions companies associated with the series are Lionsgate Television and G-Unit Films and Television Inc. This is an ongoing series that aired on September 26, 2021, on the Starz network.
The story revolves around two brothers, Meech and Terry, and draws its inspiration from a real storywhere; the brothers will their sheer intelligence rose from a poor level to a wealthy and renowned family. The series was able to secure positive comments and rated 7 out of 10 on IMDb. To know more, check the details provided.
Release Date
The 3rd episode of season 1 of Black Mafia Family will air on STARZ on October 10, 2021, at 8 p.m. If you are a fan of Black Mafia Family, you should be happy to know that within such a short span of time, the officials have already declared that there will be season 2 of this series as well. So, this season is not the end in itself but will come back soon.
Cast in the Series
The cast of Black Mafia Family are as follows, Russell Hornsby as Charles Flenory; Da’Vinchi as Terry Flenory; Michole Briana White as Lucille; Eric Kofi Abrefa as Lamar; Ajiona Alexus as Kato; Myles Truitt as B-Mickie; Steven Harris as Detective Bryant; Essk Songz as CJ; Kash Doll as Monique; Wood Harris as Pat; Snoop Dogg as Pastor Swift; La La Anthony as Markaisha Taylor; Serayah as Lori Walker; Markice Moore as Filmel; Eminem as White Boy Rick and Sydney Mitchell as Lawanda.
The Plot of Black Mafia Family
The story of the Black Mafia Family deals with two siblings- Meech and Terry and is believed to be based on a true story of two brothers in the era of the 1980s, who rose from quite slums of the Detroit streets and created one of the most renowned crime families. The name of these two brothers, within a short period, becomes famous all over the world. But as expected, not all happiness lasts long. Love, bitterness, breaking of relations as well as mistrust are abundant in this series.
In the 3rd episode of the series, named “Love All, Trust Few,” directed by SolvanNaim, fans will witness Meech and Terry, the two brothers, taking a secret journey with a food trunk to distribute drugs to the workers of a factory. Turn of events will occur when Detective Lopez arrives and investigates a murder that has happened at the heart of the city amid these drug issues, which have posed a significant problem for the police.
There will be risks, danger, and suspense, so fans should be sure that the forthcoming episodes are evolving and more entertaining. There are a total of 8 episodes; the fourth episode is also soon, releasing on October 17 of this year. For more such news and updates, stay tuned with us.