Takana Shirai’s Child of Kamiari Month is a forthcoming Japanese Netflix Original fiction animation. Liden Film helmed the movie, which was scripted by Ryta Miyake, Tetsur Takita, and Toshinari Shinoe. Kazuya Sakamoto is the program’s design supervisor. We’ve gathered all the information you need regarding Child of Kamiari Month.
What Is The Story About?
Kanna, the heroine, was only 11 years old when she buried her mother in an accident that she reasons on herself, and she is now reluctant to do the single thing her mother and she both loved: jogging. She then discovers that her mother had a completely unique side to her that she has been unaware of, and if she doesn’t walk in her mother’s path, her planet will not be at peace for the following year.
If she achieves that, she could be able to contact her mother once. She conceals her concerns and attempts to confront them softly; she is resistant and easily influenced, and she carries her sorrows in her heart. Her family is on a quest to bring sacrifices from all around Japan to the meeting of the Gods in Izumo.
Although Kanna’s mother was supposed to accomplish the objective, her mother’s death inspired Kanna to accomplish it, intending to reconnect with her deceased mother in the Gods’ country after her voyage.
What Our Critic Has To Say?
It was relentless from the beginning, depicting a mother’s love for her child when all sign culminates in the parent’s passing and the child having to deal with that sadness while growing up in situations in the mother’s absence. Kanna is a fantastic heroine who fulfills many of the typical cliches you would anticipate from a child protagonist.
She functions proficiently in this movie and serves as a strong foundation for the narrative. Shiro is charming, he helps Kanna a lot, and he is not in any way worthless. Yasha’s past is distinct, and he is related to Kanna in ways more than simply being a rival. A plethora of various Gods are shown, each with their eccentricities that contribute significantly to the show’s world-building, even though it may be evident to those who live in Japan.
Overall, Child of Kamiari Month’s narrative and characters are perfect. The story is emotional and gratifying, and the journey isn’t too long. The characters aren’t flawless or unique, but they perfectly fit into the story of pain and loss. The spiritual and mythical components contribute significantly to the universe’s appeal and likability, and while the tale is relatively basic and confined, it is incredibly fascinating and adorable. It will almost certainly create a few teary eyes on its journey out.
Where To Watch
Netflix purchased the movie’s rights to stream after being released in theatres. The streaming service has been concentrating on animation for some time, and this inclusion is evidence of that. On February 8, 2022, the animated movie will be published on the video website.
Skip It Or Stream It
STREAM IT. Child Of Kamiari Month was a joyful journey filled with amusing situations, solid emotional tones, and fantastic music.