Ruairi Robinson, an Irish filmmaker, has directed a short sci-fi horror movie, Corporate Monster, which pays homage to the iconic sci-fi, action drama ‘They Live.’ The short film has a running span of 14 minutes and executes the story with a significant impact within a short period. It combines various elements, such as that of psychological thriller, within the horror-action movie. The drama takes a modern spin on John Carpenter’s 1988 movie They Live.
It also resonates with the plot of the short story by Stephen King, titled “The ten o’clock people,” which was published in the Nightmares and Dreamscapes magazine. Here are few things you need to know about the short film Corporate Monster.
What is the Plot of a Corporate Monster?
The prescription pills that an unstable man starts to take bear adverse side effects on him. The drug that they prescribe him to treat his depression is not FDA approved yet. He sees the vision of various parasitic creatures that plague the world and have been residing around since long from their shadows. The protagonist is Robert Turner, who is battling depression after he loses his job, and begins to see the monsters. The apathy and the blindness of people conceal the demons from their vision.
Only Robert can witness these creatures controlling the world from their shadows. His girlfriend, Ellen, makes several attempts to bring him back to reality but to no avail. Once Robert finds himself convinced that the monsters are up to no good, he takes calamitous actions. The repercussions of Carpenter’s They Live are apparent in this movie.
The short film takes much inspiration to the 1980s sci-fi movies, which deal with the claustrophobic theme of the world being under the control of a small elite urbanite group, with the corporate dominance handling the realms of the society. Hence, the title, Corporate Monster, invokes the theme of how literal monsters are not plaguing the present world, the greedy, extorting corporate leaders who, with their inhuman actions, continue to rule the world from their shadows. The squid-faced monsters unravel a conspiracy, and Robert takes it upon him to fight against the complex situation.
Where can You Watch Corporate Monster?
Ruairi Robinson’s short movie, Corporate Monster, is available for streaming online. It was originally released on September 16, 2019. The sci-fi action drama is available for streaming on YouTube. It has a run time of 17 minutes.
Who is in the Cast of Corporate Monster?
The movie stars KettTurton as Robert Turner, and Jenna Coleman stars as his girlfriend, Ellen. The cast also includes Patrick Joseph Byrnes as Doctor Bennings. Kris Edlund, Megan Woods Kegan, Mike Kelly, Alphonso Cox, and Jimmy Doom, the other cast members. Along with Ruairi Robinson, Eoin Rogers has written the screenplay of the movie. It has a 6.7/10 IMDb Ratings.
If you are interested in watching gritty, sci-fi horror, you should definitely stream Corporate Monster. The themes are strong and poignant, and it is definitely a good pick for a short watch.