The latest ongoing K-Drama, Dali and Cocky Prince is the television series that aired on September 22, 2021, on KBS2. Penned by the duo Park Se-Eun and Son Eun-Hye, the show was scheduled to hit the screens towards the year-end during November and December, but somehow, the release was postponed to September. It features stars like Park Gyu-young and Kim Min-Jae in the lead.
Lee Jung-Seob and has directed the series that focuses on the romance between the two opposite personalities- a poor but smart girl trying to save the collapsing art museum and a rich boy. The producers of the show are Cho Jeong-Eun, Oh Young-Seop, Hwang Eui-Kyung, and Park Jin-Hyung.
Recap of Episode 6 of Dali and Cocky Prince
Episode 6 showed that upon seeing the wounds of Da Li, Moo Hak gets infuriated and worried but hides the actual reason by instead blaming it on his debt. To clear the air of rumors surrounding the Cheon song gallery, Da Li decides to confront. The press conference that was actually kept to announce an upcoming art exhibition in the gallery instead focussed on the incident that happened with Da Li.
With the help of Tae Jin, she presents footage from CCTV that showed her entering the motel and getting brutally beaten up, thus dismissing the rumors and scandal. Even after the proof of the incident, the world just seemed to care for her outer appearance. With the aid of Tae Jin, she managed to gain attention as the former helped her choose trending outfits. Meanwhile, Moo Hak is unable to cool down post Da Li’s brutal condition.
He suspects a foul play behind all the rumors and scandals that were being spread to damage the name of Cheonsong gallery. His suspicion is proved right as in the subsequent scene, and Ki Chul is seen meeting the politician Mr. Ahn.
What to Expect from the Upcoming Episode 7 of Dali and Cocky Prince?
The upcoming episode 7 of Dali and Cocky Prince will portray the protagonist Da Li’s different side. She will be seen beating up the accused who stole the money, which eventually leads her to meet Won Tak and Moo Hak. It hasn’t been out whether Moo Hak will discover the staying of Da Li at Won Tak’s place. He will be seen going out of the way to help Da Li in her art exhibition by trying his best to make artists join it.
Well, at the party, the paths of Da Li, Moo Hak, Tae Jin, and Chak Hee cross. The episode will be filled with cute adorable scenes of innocent jealousy and sheer comedy, especially when Moo Hak and Chak Hee would be seen together by Da Li. At the same time, the closeness between Da Li and Tae Jin will make Moo Hak burn in jealousy.
When will Episode 7 of Dali and Cocky Prince be Telecast, and Where to Watch it?
The seventh episode of Dali and Cocky Prince is scheduled to release on October 13, 2021, on the KBS2 network at 9.30 pm KST. Each episode of the show entertains the fans for about 70 minutes. The local viewers can enjoy the show on above mention channel. In contrast, the global audience can hook to the series on platforms like Kocowa (only in North and South America) and Viki with subtitles in English.