The animated Injustice film, based on the critically successful DC Comics video game franchise, will be released on October 19 in both print and digital formats. Justin Hartley, who is no stranger to the DC world, will play Superman in the Injustice film. Injustice is a popular video game developed by NetherRealm Studios and based on the DC Comics comic book.
Injustice, directed by Matt Peters (Justice League Dark) and written by Ernie Altbacker (Batman: Hush), has a similar animation style to the latest Mortal Kombat movie, Scorpion’s Revenge, due to the fact that Rick Morales produces both films.
The original game in the series and the really pretty decent comics based on it created by Tom Taylor will be the inspiration for Injustice. Those were the first comics I read that made Harley Quinn seem like an intriguing character, back when she was primarily depicted as the Joker’s sassy fan service girlfriend, and maybe some of their highlights survive the move to animated film.
Release Date of Injustice
The animated film will be released digitally and on Blu-ray as part of a 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Combined Pack that will cost $39.99 (about £29.99). There is no news on whether or if the animated film will be released in theatres for a limited period, although this is unlikely. Based on the famous video game and comic franchise, the animated film Injustice: Gods Among Us has made its theatrical premiere and has set a release date.
It was decided that the storytellers behind the animated films would get together to discuss how to bring these stories to life. It is set to come out in theaters on 19th October 2021, a feature-length animated film from DC. Pixar Animation will present injustice.
The cast of the Film
Justin Hartley, Laura Bailey, and Gillian Jacobs are the stars. Studio-produced Injustice, which pits DC’s beloved narrative against Man of Steel, is being developed by Warner Bros. Studio officials revealed more details during this year’s DC event.
The other alternate world heroes include Justin Hartley (Superman), Anson Mount (Batman), Janet Varney (Wonder Woman), Laura Bailey (Lois Lane), Rama Kushna (Zach Callison), and Damian Lewis (Damian Lewis). In addition, Derek Phillips (Nightwing/Aquaman), Jimmy Olsen (Green Lantern), Brandon Michael Hall (Cyborg), Gillian Jacobs (Harley Quinn), Kevin Pollak (Joker), Gillian Jacobs (Harley Quinn) and Edwin Hodges are among the cast members.
The cast of Hell on Wheels also features Hartley from Smallville, Mount from Star Trek: Discovery, and the two lead characters from comic books, Batman and Superman.
What is the Film about?
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year One by Tom Taylor and the video game series by NetherRealm Studios inspired the animated film. According to Justice League, the world has fallen into chaos after Superman is tricked into slaying Lois Lane. For the sake of humanity, Superman is sent on an evil power trip to control Earth by means of this heinous crime.
To allow Superman’s consciousness to return to normal, the Dark Knight assembles a team of superheroes willing to fight against him. As a result, the inevitable conflict between the planet’s greatest heroes causes even more unrest, which consequently compromises the planet’s survival. The fans need to wait for a month to know what exactly will happen in the movie.