Dear is a popular documentary television series which is produced by Jay Peterson and Jane Cha. The first season of the series premiered on 5th June 2020 by R.J Cutler and Donny Jackson. The plot of the series revolved around the letters received by these famous personalities who appear on the show. In March 2021, the producers of the show announced that the series is officially renewed for the second season. Big Bird, Jane Goodall, and Sandara Oh are some of the cast appearing in both seasons of this series. Fans of this documentary television series are excited to know about season 2 of this wonderful series. If you are also following this documentary, here is all you need to know about the documentary series Dear season 2.
Season 2 Release Date
The first season of the show premiered in June 2020. The series renewed for the second season in March 2021. Season 2 of this series will premiere on 4th March 2022.
The second season will be having 9 episodes each with a run time of 30 minutes. All the episodes of season 2 will release on the same day.
Season 1 Recap
Celebrities create various and everlasting effects on their followers, influencing and inspiring individuals from all walks of life. Dear.. is founded on these very emotions. The first season of this documentary series showcases 10 well-known people reading letters from ordinary people.
This program also includes archival videos and highlight interviews. Every episode specializes in a particular star and the sincere fan letters they get, showcasing the star’s influence on everyday citizens. It resembles the form of a part-biography, a portion to its prominent topics as a result.
In season one, we got to see Big Bird, Spike Lee, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Stevie Wonder, Oprah Winfrey, Gloria Steinem, Jane Goodall, Viola Davis, and Sandra Oh along with a few other prominent personalities.
Casts for Season 2
Season 2 of this documentary series has some old faces with many new faces of various personalities and stars. Season 2 is mainly focusing on the strong ladies in this documentary series. We could only aspire to learn their untold stories when they are sitting in the seat telling about others they have achieved to influence.
They really had no clue how much of a difference they have made in people’s daily lives. Season 2 starring Billy Porter, Mala Yousafzai, Laird Hamilton, Jane Fonda, Viola Davis, Sandra Oh, are some of the important casts starring in the first six episodes of season 2.
We will see Andre Talley in the seventh episode while Ava DuVarney in the eighth episode of the series. The last episode of season 2 is starring Kareem-Abdul-Jabbar.
Where to Watch This Show?
You can enjoy this documentary series exclusively on Apple TV+. The 10 episodes of season one are also available to stream on Apple Tv. Though you will need a subscription to enjoy it. The trailer for the season of this documentary series was also released on Apple TV+.