Dexter New Blood is an American crime-based television drama series that was made in continuation for the show Dexter. Dexter New Blood is a miniseries and is developed by Clyde Philips. The series first aired on November 7, 2021, and Marcos Siega is the director of the series. Dexter’s New Blood is set 10 years after Dexter has faked his own death and started a new life in Iron Lake, New York.
He has taken up a new identity and is known as Jim Lindsay and is romantically involved with the town’s chief police officer Angela Bishop. Even though he has managed to suppress his killer instincts, there will be incidences in the town that might reveal his true identity. Dexter New Blood episode 6 will be releasing on December 12, 2021, and the fans are waiting eagerly for its release.
When is it Releasing?
Dexter New Blood is a miniseries that was first aired on November 7, 2021, as a continuation of the original series called Dexter. According to the official sources, Dexter New Blood episode 6 will be releasing on December 12, 2021. The series has already developed a good fan base, and the fans are waiting eagerly for the upcoming episode.
Where to Watch it?
Dexter New Blood is a miniseries that has been on air since November 7, 2021, on Showtime. It is all set for the release of episode 6 on December 12, 2021, on Showtime, and those who wish to stream the series online can watch the series on Amazon Prime Video and Voot.
What to Know Before Watching it?
Dexter New Blood is set 10 years after Dexter has faked his own death and started a new life in Iron Lake, New York. He has taken up a new identity and is known as Jim Lindsay and is romantically involved with the town’s chief police officer Angela Bishop. Even though he has managed to suppress his killer instincts, there will be incidences in the town that might reveal his true identity.
Dexter New Blood episode 6 is titled “Too Many Tuna Sandwiches,” According to the official synopsis, the episode is full of mystery and thrill as Dexter’s fake identity is discovered by someone. There is another serial killer in the town who is a threat to Dexter. On the other hand, Angela discovers something dark about herself, and Harrison gets worked up during a wrestling match.
What Happened in the Previous Episode?
Dexter New Blood episode 5 is titled “Runaway,” showing that Dexter’s repressed Dark Passenger comes out when he tries to protect his son from drugs. Angela and Molly take a trip to New York, where they learn something disturbing about a renowned community member, and they are left wondering about it.