Elizabeth Allen has directed this American comedy-drama, written by David Light, Joseph Raso, Tamara Chestna, Mindy Stern, and George Gore II. This movie is a contemporary twist version of our classic fairytale movie Cinderella, set in the street sneaker subculture of New York City. In addition, this movie is a musical-driven film. Disney Channel and Jane Startz Productions have produced this show.
In this modern gender-flipped twist of Cinderella, the glass slipper is swapped with stylish sneakers. In this film, a teenager named Elhad dreams of becoming a sneaker designer but hides his talent. But when he meets Kira King, everything changes. Finally, El finds the courage to achieve his dream.
Release Date And where To watch?
On May 13, 2022, Sneakerella will release on Disney Plus.
Chosen Jacobs as El, who wants to become a professional sneaker designer. Lexi Underwood as Kira King, the daughter of a famous basketball player; Devyn Nekoda as Sami, El’s best friend, Kolton Stewart as Zelly and Hayward Leach as Stacy, El’s stepbrother; ith who El keeps the secret about his sneaker designs.
John Salley as Darius King, a famous former basketball player, sneaker tycoon, and father of Kira. Robyn Alomar as Liv, Kira’s sister, and Yvonne Senat as Denise King the wife of Darius. Bryan Clark as Trey, who was El’s overloaded stepfather who runs his late wife’s shoe store and many more.
In Disney plus plot, El is an aspiring sneaker designer from Queens. He works as a stock boy in his late mother’s store. He hides his talent from his overburdened stepfather Trey and two mean stepbrothers, Zelly and Stacy, who constantly snatches his opportunity. When El met Kira, the daughter of former basketball player and sneaker tycoon Darius, Kira was also a sneaker lover, which made the bond between El and Kira.
With the help of his best friend Sami and his fairy godfather’s magic, El found the courage to use his talent and achieve his dream of becoming a professional sneaker designer in the industry. So now El is ready to lace up and dream big. Let’s find out what Disney has for us in this twisted fairytale story.
Should Stream It Or Skip It?
If you are a Disney movies fan like Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow-white, and other Disney movies, you should stream that too with the twist of modern era touch. This time Disney flipped the gender role. In Disney’s other movies, it was always the male lead who was rich and famous, the prince of the kingdom, and the female lead was always a struggling daughter, but it is a flip in this movie. It will be interesting to watch the other side of the story.
But if you are not a Disney fan and still want to entertain yourself, you should stream it. It will be a fun movie to stream.