In the past decade, the anime tv industry has gained popularity around the world. Anime, which is a hand-drawn form of animation, first originated in Japan in 1917. However, the anime industry began making its name in the market during the 1980s. Anime has a long list of shows ranging from romance to fantasy to adventure genres. And with new series making their grand debuts every year, it looks like the anime industry is in no mood to stop.
Talking about the action-adventure genre, the recently released series Fena: Pirate Princess is enjoying appreciation worldwide appreciation. The series recently completed 5 episodes and is gearing up for its sixth episode. Here is everything we know so far about the upcoming episode.
Fena: Pirate Princess: What we Know?
Jointly created by Kazuto Nakazawa and Production IG, Fena: Pirate Princess narrates the story of an orphan girl, Fena, who lives a struggling life in the 18th century. Fena was captured by soldiers of the British Empire and was taken to a stranded island from where escaping was next to impossible. However, Fena is not as powerless as she seems to be.
When her past returns to turn her life upside down, Fena, along with her crew of misfits, goes on an adventure of a lifetime to find the truth of a mysterious keyword. The series shows her journey and her passion in pursuit of her goal. The 12-episode has been the talk of the town since its premiere on August 15, 2021.
The series is being lauded for its impressive writing and engaging screenplay. With an average rating of 8.7 on IMDb, the show is a massive success in the US. On September 5, the 5th episode of the show aired on Crunchyroll and Adult Swim. The 6th episode of the show is slated to release on September 12, 2021.
Fena: Pirate Princess Episode 6: Expectations
In the last five episodes, the viewers saw Fena and her crew dump the British soldiers and go on a treasure hunt. The crew manages to reach Orleans. They find solace in a temple, only to see Fena losing her natural composure. All this while, O’Malley pledges to find Fena at any cost and get hold of the coordinates of her ship, El Dorado.
How will O’Malley find Fena? Will Fena be able to escape in time? Will Fena complete the treasure hunt before it’s too late? Tune in to Adult Swim on September 12 to determine whether makers will answer these questions or keep the viewers in anticipation for a little longer.
Fena: Pirate Princess, since its premiere in August 2021, has been a massive success with positive reviews from both critics and the audience. Its engaging screenplay, witty writing, and clean animation are the highlights of the show. Currently, the show is being premiered in the United States, but it is gearing up for premiere in Japan in October 2021.
The first five episodes have been visually appealing and a complete entertainer. Let’s see if the makers can continue adding entertainment value in the future episodes or if they will fall flat in the mid-season. Keep watching, and stay tuned for more.