Final Space is an American animated science fiction comedy-drama series created by Olan Rogers; Olan Rogers and David Sacks further developed the show. The series began back in the year 2018, and it instantly became a fan favorite. The voice acting cast was solid, and we can see entertainers such as Fred Armisen, Tom Kenny, Olan Rogers, Tika Sumpter, Steven Yun, Ashly Burch, Coty Galloway, David Tennant, and many more.
The plot of the series is pretty amazing and unique, and it is about an astronaut named Gary who is energetic yet dim-witted. During a five-year prison sentence, he met an alien whom he calls Mooncake. During their intergalactic space adventures to save the galaxy, they realized that they were being targeted by a telekinetic creature named Lord Commander.
As the series progressed, the story became darker. In the third season, we can see Gary and his intergalactic friends trapped in the final space, and they are trying their best to survive and protect Mooncake from being captured by Lord Commander.
Release Date and Where to Watch
The third season of Final Space was released on March 20, 2021, in the United States. The three seasons of the animated adult show is available on HBO Max, and the show is also available on Netflix; however, only two seasons can be streamed currently. Netflix has not announced any dates or information regarding the third season of the show.
The UK fans of the show have to wait for an indefinite period to watch the show because the third season is not available there, and the producers of the show have not responded. The US-based shows take their sweet time to fit in the schedules of the UK television, and all the fans can do is wait for the announcement by the creator or producer of the show.
What to Expect
When we talk about an animated comedy-drama set in space, we think about Rick and Morty; however, Final Space is another masterpiece presented by Adultswim. Final space is another combination of genres, and the output is a crazy and unique chaotic brilliance; and as a result, the series is renewed for a third season. The Final space is very versatile, which makes it very enjoyable.
The 2D cartoons are blended with the 3D computer graphics, with a lot of dark humour, the detailed building of the plot and the planets, some toilet humour, and real-life space images from NASA make it one of the best-animated series. Olan Rogers, the creator of the show, has done a brilliant job in creating the show, and he did a fine job in voicing his characters as well; the other voice actors have voiced the characters amazingly, and their voices have matched with the characters of the show.
Another important element in a series, such as plot development, is at a perfect pace, and the audience can see the character development as well. I enjoy these types of animated shows, which are full of chaos, comedy, and dark humor. However, parents should know that violence and language are the main concerns here, and the language can get surprisingly intense at times. But if you are an adult, you can watch the show without any worries, and you would enjoy and binge-watch the three seasons of the show in no time.