A Christmas Star is an American Christmas-themed film that was released on December 12, 2021. The film is directed by Jessica Harmon and Bob Saenz. Ross Mihalko, along with Lorie Hope, is the original screenwriters of the film. The film revolves around an astronomer who wants to make it big in her career by capturing a big celestial event, and for that, she keeps looking into the sky.
However, things do not turn out the way she expects, and instead of a celestial event, she finds love in someone unexpected. The film is one of the many Christmas films that were released by the end of 2021. What good is it to have a Christmas without any Christmas movies, and the makers of A Christmas Star surely go by this idea?
Should You Stream It Or Skip It?
The Christmas season is here, and it is that time of the year when one surely needs to watch a nice and light-hearted Christmas movie with family during Christmas. The film revolves around an astronomer Madeline Baggett who wants to make it big in her career by capturing a big celestial event, and for that, she keeps looking into the sky.
She seeks permission from her boss and travels to a small hamlet in New York in order to go on with her research with ease. However, things do not turn out the way she expects, and instead of a celestial event, she finds love in someone unexpected. She meets Ryan Sparks, a former ranger, and his daughter Celeste with whom she develops a good connection.
Will Madeline succeed in her search for a big celestial event, or the two of them find what they are looking for, or will they end up falling in love are the things the viewers want to know and what else is in store for them in the film makes one stream the film.
Who Is In The Cast?
The cast of A Christmas Star includes Sara Canning, who plays the role of Madeline Baggett; Daniel Lissing, who plays the role of Ryan Sparks; Juliette Hawk, who plays the character of Celeste; and Joanne Wilson, who plays the character of Gigi alongside several other artists who have contributed majorly to the film.
When Did The Film Release?
A Christmas Star is an American Christmas-time film that was released on December 12, 2021. What good is it to have a Christmas without any Christmas movies, and the makers of A Christmas Star surely go by this idea? The film can be watched on the specified channel only until the holiday season.
Where To Watch It?
A Christmas Star was released on December 12, 2021, on GAC Family Channel. The film will be aired for a few days regularly, and those who wish to watch the film can watch it on the specified channel.