Ghostbusters is an American supernatural and horror comedy franchise that was first released in 1984 and was renewed again in 2016. The plotline revolves around a group of scientists from New York who investigate and capture ghosts in order to earn a living. The franchise was received with great warmth by the audience and has managed to gather a big fan base as across the world and was originally created by Dan Aykroyd.
The franchise has also released special merchandise inspired by the Ghostbusters, which include action figures, comic books, novels, and other similar themed products. The franchise is back with its new film Ghostbusters: Afterlife, which is set to release soon and has been directed by Jason Reitman.
The film is set in a time 30 years after the second film and revolves around the lives of a single mom and her two children. The film has managed to gather a good audience and is supposed to release on November 19, 2021, though it was first supposed to be on floors by November 11, 2021.
Release Date Delayed by a Week?
Ghostbusters: Afterlife will be released in the United States on November 19, 2021. The release date was pushed several times due to the Covid-19 pandemic and was finalized on November 11, 2021. However, the release was delayed by a week, which stands on November 19 as of now. The main reason for the shift is considered to be the shelving of Tom Cruise’s Top Gun: Maverick to 2022. Ghostbusters: Afterlife had a hushed-hushed screening at CinemaCon on August 23, 2021, in the city of Los Angeles.
The Cast and Plot
The franchise is all set for the release of Ghostbusters: Afterlife, which will be the franchise’s fourth film. The Ghostbusters plotline revolves around a group of scientists from New York who investigate and capture ghosts in order to earn a living. The film is set in a time 30 years after the second film and revolves around the lives of a single mom and her two children. They move into a new town and henceforth discover some astonishing secrets about the legacy that the children’s grandfather has left for them.
This will surely be followed by the adventures that await the children and has been termed as scarily funny by those who attended the screening. The cast of the film includes:
- Single Mother Callie, played by Carrie Coon
- Phoebe, played by Mckenna Grace
- Grooberson, played by Paul Rudd
- Trevor, played by Finn Wolfhard
- Peter, played by Will Murray
- Dr, Ray played by Dan Aykroyd
- Podcast played by Logan Kim
- Lucky played by Celeste’ O Connor
- Spengler played by late Harold Ramis, through old clips.
Where to Watch?
The Ghostbusters: Afterlife rights have been sold to Sony, and the supposed release seems to be on OTT platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video in the United States. The fourth film of the Ghostbusters franchise, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, is scheduled to release on November 19, 2021, after being delayed a week from the original release date.
Even though the makers wanted a theatrical release, the screening could only be theatrical at the Cinema Con event in Los Angeles on August 23, 2021. The film and trailer can be watched on the said platforms once released.