Go! Go! Cory Carson is North American animated kids show created by Stanley Moore and Alex Woo is based on the Go-Go smart wheels row of toys. The cast comprises Ac Lim, Kerry Gudjohnsen, Maisie Benson, and Paul Killam. The show is situated in a car’s world with human-like characteristics, and it revolves around Cory Carson and his family.
The plot of the show is about Cory Carson, who learns to make his way through schools, handling responsibilities, and making new friends. The Carson family has four members they are Cory Carson, Chrissy Carson, Mama Carson, and Papa Carson.
Where to Watch?
Go! Go! Cory Carson is a Netflix exclusive kids’ TV series; therefore, it is available on Netflix only. The kids’ show is available in each region where Netflix avails its services. Fans can watch the series by purchasing a membership which starts at a minimal amount of $8.99 or Rs 199 for a basic plan. Being a Netflix exclusive, there is a very slim chance of this cartoon show being available on other renowned OTT platforms such as Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+ Hotstar, and HBO Max.
Stream it or Skip it?
Go! Go! Cory Carson is an animated cartoon series about cars and trucks, and it has received an 8.1 rating in IMDB, and around seventy-one percent of the Google users have liked the series. The cartoon series is light-hearted, full of colors, fun, and comedy elements. The kids’ series is simple yet amusing and pleasing to watch, and it is original in its own way. There are five seasons of this fun and cheerful cartoon, and the audience has shown consistent love and support to each season.
The show has mostly positive reviews. Even though the show is written for a very young audience, the adults are equally loved and enjoyed. A majority of the audience has loved the show because their kids just love watching the show repeatedly without getting bored of it.
There are some funny scenes, such as Mama Carson appreciating Papa Carson by telling him that “he has done a good job by mastering the skill of microwaving.” The parents also love watching this show because of the voices, which are so sweet. Even though there are only 45 episodes of the show, neither the kids nor the parents get enough of it, and they both demand more episodes of the cartoon series.
Go! Go! Cory Carson is the perfect show parents, and their kids can watch together because the writing is kid-friendly, but at the same time, it is mature enough to capture a general audience; the audience can relate to the situations and the characters of the show are unique and exciting.
The show’s animation is equally mesmerizing, and the facial expressions of the characters are very different and easy to read. At the end of each episode, the young audience gets to learn something from the characters. In all sense, this show is a STREAM IT, and season five will be as good as the first season.