Grantchester is a British crime drama and is set in the village of Grantchester in Cambridgeshire. The series is based on the crime fiction books named The Grantchester Mysteries by British writer James Runcie. Grantchester is produced by Emma Kingsman Lloyd, who was associated from season 1 to season 4 and Richard Cookson from season 5 till now is associated with the Kudos/Masterpiece co-production company.
The 1stseasonreleased on 6th October 2014 and is distributed by Banijaythrough ITV Network. The series is based upon a group of officers who with their sheer brilliance and professional skills unbox the mysteries behind every crime.
Cast of Grantchester Season 7
Fans should know that their favorite duo TomBritteny and RobsonGreen will be seen again in the upcoming season as Reverend William and DI Geordie respectively.
Other characters anticipated to be seen as well are Tessa Peake-Jones as Mrs. Sylvia Maguire;Al Weaver as Leonard Finch; Kacey Ainsworth as Cathy Keating; Skye Lucia Degruttola as Esme Keating; Jemma Redgrave as Amelia Davenport; Bradley Hall as DC Larry Peters; Felix Scott as DI Sean Donovan; Melissa Johns as Miss Scott; Oliver Demsdale as Daniel Marlowe and Nick Brimble as Jack Chapman.
Season 6 portrayed Davenport to be in a confusing state as soon as Leonard is seen amid chaos. Keating is also seen to be in distress and eventually gets into a severe conflict but is rescued by Davenport in the end. In the upcoming season, fans can expect to see Davenport doing all he can to let couples be together by letting them marry each other.
Keating on the other hand will be seen focusing on his as usual task of crime-solving. The upcoming series is all exciting since the characters have to take several hard decisions which are going to impact their lives hugely. As no trailer has yet been released or anything much has been confirmed by the officials, it is best to wait and stay tuned to upcoming news.
Why It Might Release in Spring 2022?
The last season of Grantchester, that is season 6 got aired on 3rd October 2021 on PBS. But can fans expect season 7? Since season 6 has aired, it is a major question among its fans where season 7 will be airing or not. Fans might be delighted to know that the series has not ended yet. It has been confirmed that season 7 is all set to take place by the ITV officials. In fact, the shooting of season 7 has already started even before season 6 got its date to get premiered.
It is however not confirmed when will the next season get released. However, it can be expected that season 7 will not take much time and will be back to delight its fans in the Spring of 2022. Nothing has been confirmed to date and so it is best to wait for the official news. Fans however should stay updated to know all details and updates related to the upcoming season, and in order to know it, stay tuned with us.
Is it worth getting excited for?
If you are a fan of crime drama or suspense series don’t miss Grantchester season 7. The seasons have never been boring and have no such negative reviews. The characters have extremely well performed their roles and made the series worth watching. For more such news or details do stay tuned with us.