The Hallmark Channel brought to its audience this week “A Kiss Before Christmas.” Premiered on November 21 at 8 p.m. ET, the show will air throughout this season. With actor James Denton, Teri Hatcher, and Marilu Henner in the lead, the show brings along a bag of gossips with its amazing crew and storyline. Continue reading to know all the necessary details about the film.
A Kiss Before Christmas Genre And Release: What Category Is The Film Available In?
Filmed in Sept-Oct, the hallmark movie “A Kiss Before Christmas” came out on November 21, 2021. The shooting took place in Canada, including in the Winnipeg, Manitoba, region. With director Jeff Beesley behind the helm, the film runs for nearly one and a half hours.
The film falls under a few categories like Comedy, Romance, Fantasy, and similar genres. Coming from Crown Media Productions, LLC, the film is co-produced by Devan Towers.
Scriptwriters of this cinematic work are Mark Amato and Tracy Andreen. The movie stars talented actors James Denton, Teri Hatcher, John B. Lowe in the lead. This film is the first time the former two are back again on-screen since their days on “Desperate Housewives.” They have become a topic for Hollywood gossips these days.
Storyline Of The Film: What Is “A Kiss Before Christmas” About?
The film revolves around the Real estate and property executive Ethan Holt, played by James Denton. The protagonist has two teenaged children. Sadly on Christmas Eve, Ethan gets to know about the promotion he had been counting on that will now not be given to him.
Dejected with disappointment, Ethan complaints about his nice guy way of carrying out business and blames it for the loss of promotion. However, Ethan’s momentary & ‘spur of the moment’ wishes for his life to take a major turn come true.
The following morning, to his surprise, Ethan gets up and discovers his life turned upside down. He no longer remains married to his spouse Joyce, played by Teri Hatcher. He also is no longer a father to a pair of teens and has become the chief executive officer of his company.
Albeit, to regain his original life, Ethan must get back Joyce and his kids. The key to going back lies in persuading Joyce and the kids to be with him and assuring them of a lovely future ahead in life. But all of this shall be done before Christmas, or he may lose it all forever.
Cast And Characters In The Film
From starring in “Desperate Housewives” together to coming back again in “A Kiss Before Christmas,” James Denton and Teri Hatcher played the lead in this original Hallmark film. Denton plays the role of Ethan. Alongside him will be Teri Hatcher as Joyce. Hatcher is well known for her taking on health issues and cookery.
Adding further to the cast, we have MariluHenner as Rona, Carson Kroeker as Colin, Sophia Bachart as Tisha, and John B. Lowe as Santa.