Last Seen Alive is an American action thriller movie that was released on 2 June 2022. Directed by Brian Goodman, the plot of the movie is about Will Spann, a businessman who struggles to find his wife after she disappears from a gas station.
Last Seen Alive: Ending
Throughout the film, the audience gets no clue of Lisa’s whereabouts. In the end, Lisa is found locked in a trailer in a forest where a drug operation is taking place. Will somehow kills Frank who kidnapped Lisa. Due to an explosion, Oscar dies too. When the police and detective Paterson arrived at the scene, Knuckles lied to them. He said that Lisa is already dead and that he had buried her.
But Will was skeptical about this whole scheme. He searched the whole place and eventually found Lisa, with her hands tied and mouth gagged. The search finally came to an end. Detective Paterson shook hands with Will and let his killings slide. In the process of finding Lisa, he had to kill several bad men.
Lisa grew closer to Will after the incident and decided to give themselves one more chance. There is still much hope for the two of them.
The plot of Last Seen Alive
The movie’s baseline story involves the relationship of a married couple, Will and Lisa. At the beginning of the movie, their relationship is a bit rough. They do not seem to go along so well. They decide to live separately for some time. Will drives her to her maternal home. On the way, they stop at a gas station to fill gas but when Will comes back, his wife is nowhere to be found. This is where the thrill and action of the movie begin. Will is panicked and he believes something is wrong. He goes to the police for help but he gets blamed for her wife’s disappearance instead.
Due to their rough relationship and no evidence of Lisa, Will became the prime suspect. This forced Will to take matters into his own hands. He decides to search for his wife without the help of investigators or police. With time running out of hand, Will faces the dark and criminal world in a frantic search for Lisa.
Who Kidnapped Lisa in Last Seen Alive?
Detective Paterson inquired the manager of the gas station from where disappeared. When he asked for the camera footage of that day, the manager lied about the cameras not working. But Will caught his bluff and gave him a good beating. On seeing the footage, Will discovers that Lisa was kidnapped by Knuckles, who was a worker in Lisa’s maternal house. Will chased him down and found out that Knuckles has sold Lisa to Frank, a meth dealer.
Last Seen Alive: Cast
The Cast of Last Seen Alive includes the amazing actor Gerard Butler who proved to be a perfect choice for the role of Will Spann. Other cast members are Jaimie Alexander as Lisa Spann, Cindy Hogan, Robert Walker Branchaud, David Kallaway, and Jordan Salloum.