‘Evil Lives Here: Deadly Fetish’ from Investigation Discovery focuses on Truck Stop Serial Killer’s former wife, Robert Ben Rhoades. The convict is infamous for physically torturing, raping, and killing more than 50 female victims within a span of 15 years from 1975. Surprisingly, Debra Davis, the protagonist in the episode, found Robert to be like her ideal man on her very first encounter with him.
In this new episode of the Investigation Discovery series Evil Lives Here, victim Debra talks about her harshest days of life with her former husband and abuser, Robert.
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ToggleWho is Debra Davis from Evil Lives Here: Deadly Fetish?

Show protagonist Davis recollects meeting Robert in a bar in Houston, Texas, somewhere in the eighties. That day in the bar, Debra had come out with a bunch of friends when she found Ben Rhoades dressed up as a pilot. The two interacted with each other, sat for a couple of drinks, and had a dance together that night. To her, Robert appeared to be like the Mr. nice guy that she’s always wanted.
By and by, the two started seeing each other. Disappointingly and shockingly as it came, Debra got to know that Robert isn’t a pilot in just a few months. Regardless of this unsurfaced trickery, she made up her mind to give him another chance at their relationship and carried on dating him. Mrs. Davis revealed on screen the appalling point of time in their relationship when she found out about Ben Rhoades seeing some other woman in a party.
She then shared her feelings and told how it made her feel inadequate that she began doubting herself and wondering if it was because of her or something she lacked. It wasn’t that much time yet that they had got back together, and she had even walked down the aisle with him. Though the initial months with Ben Rhoades went quite well for Debra, she then began to notice a rise in Robert’s thirst for sexual intercourse.
She also told how she had started feeling uncomfortable with sexual experiments that her then-husband forced her to do. Mrs. Davis next discusses the incident where Robert forcibly had intercourse with her against her will. This was the last hit on the nail that made Debra put an end to her relationship with him.
She further tells that she was leaving him a day later after the incident when Robert physically assaulted her in a fit of fury and anger. Months ahead, Ben Rhoades got arrested for kidnapping a woman in Arizona.
Where is Mrs. Davis Currently and What’s Her State?

It took Mrs. Davis quite a lot of time to cope up with the news of her husband’s heinous acts of torture and murder. She tells the watchers how a sudden emotional bubble of guilt she had gotten into. Sometime later, remarried and decided to assist domestic abuse and rape victims.