Evil Twins is Investigation Discovery’s real-life based crime documentary series that shows the gruesome murders involving the twins. The episodes of the show highlight which circumstances led the duo to be involved in such an act. This makes the show all the way unusual but real. One such episode is the sixth one from season four, named Hell Hath No Fury.
The twins involved in the crime were Yvette Gay and Doris Gay, and eventually, they are joined by Renwick, making a deadly trio and executing equally deadly murders. So lets find out all about these evil Gay twins and what made them commit the crime.
Who Are Yvette and Doris Gay?
Renwick Gibbs was married to Ann Farris Gibbs when he was in an extramarital affair with Yvette Gay. Renwick and Ann shared a troubled marriage and often engaged in arguments and conflicts, owing to which Renwick took solace from Yvette. But Yvette too was the victim of Renwick’s ill behavior. Eventually, Renwick and Yvette shared two children out of their bond, which Gay raised along with her sister Doris in not-so-good conditions.
But after a major quarrel one day, Renwick realized it was time to take action. He was further compelled to take the horrible decision by the behavior of Ann’s parents towards him, which was certainly natural on their part. So he approached Yvette to convince her to join the plan of murdering the Farris family. Looking at this as the opportunity to get married to Renwick and have a better life for their children, she gave in.
They even made Doris join the plan, who initially was shocked by it but later gave in. On May 30, 1990, Renwick and Yvette decided to execute the plan and drove to Ann’s house; Doris stayed back with the children. But on reaching the house, they realized that both Ann and her father were not home, and only her mother Louise Farris and her two teenage children were available.
Not willing to abort the plan, they broke in and held Louis at gunpoint, and confronted her. After the crime, they made it look like a robbery gone wrong and ran away from the site. Later that day, Renwick went back to the Farris house to pretend to be disheartened to make it seem natural and befool the police.
Where are Yvette and Doris Gay Now?
But upon investigations, the contradictory statements made by him throughout led him to be suspected, accompanied by the fact that Ann’s father Will Farris spotted him at the crime site the same day and reported his involvement. Eventually, Renwick accepted his doings, and it wasn’t that late that Yvette to was also convicted.
Initially, she claimed to be passively involved in the crime but later, upon investigations, she was charged for active involvement in the murder, first-degree burglary, and conspiracy to plan for first-degree murder and was sentenced to death. Later her death sentence was changed to a life sentence, and till date, she continues to be behind bars in North Carolina’s Anson Correctional Institution.
On the other hand, her twin Doris was convicted for second-degree murder and made to serve three terms of imprisonment. In 2012 she was granted parole according to the records, and till date, her whereabouts are unknown as she lives a life of privacy.
What is Evil Twins: Hell Hath No Fury All About?
Evil Twins: Hell Hath No Fury is an Investigation Discovery’s crime show that portrays the murder story of the Farris family by their son-in-law Renwick Gibbs and his girlfriend named Yvette Gay accompanied by her twin Doris Gay, owing to the constant conflicts between Renwick and his wife Ann Farris Gibbs and how the siblings managed to undertake one of the gruesome murders of the time.
Where to Watch Evil Twins: Hell Hath No Fury?
The Hell Hath No Fury is the sixth episode of season 4 of the show Evil Twins that initially premiered on Investigation Discovery back in 2017. The season can be viewed on Investigation Discovery, Discovery Plus, DirecTV, and Discovery+ Amazon Channel. The option to buy the episodes is also available on platforms like iTunes, Amazon Prime Videos, Vudu, and Google Play Movies.