Johnny Test’s Ultimate Meatloaf Quest is the latest animated show that has been directed by Tim Stuby and Jim Millerand with these two are Scott Fellows, who have overlooked the story of the show. He has maintained his role of the showrunner as well as executive producer. TWild Brain has taken the production care Last year, Netflix picked up the series that actually telecasted from 2005 to 2014 for an interactive special made along with two additional seasons.
Season one aired on the platform in July this year and was provided by Stephen Silver, while the interactive special is all set to go on screen in no time. Let’s find out what this special animated show has in store for its viewers.
What Should You Know Before Watching Johnny Test’s Ultimate Meatloaf Quest?
Johnny Test’s Ultimate Meatloaf Quest is an interactive special that will comprise Johnny Test and his faithful companion Dukey, the genetically modified being. In order to get rid of the not-so-appetising dinner by their dad, they are on a mission to discover a perfect meatloaf that they can enjoy.
Who are all there in Johnny Test’s Ultimate Meatloaf Quest?
The cast designated for the voicing of characters comprises- James Arnold Taylor lending voice to Johnny Test, Maryke Hendrikse lending voice to Susan Test, Emily Tennant lending voice to Mary Test, Kathleen Barr lending voice to Lila Test, Ian James Corlett lending voice to Hugh Test, Trevor Devall lending voice to Mr. Henry Teacherman, Andrew Francis lending voice to Gil, Scott McNeil lending voice to King Zizar, Lee Tockar lending voice to The General, Deven Mack lending voice to Mr. White, and Bill Mondy lending voice to Mr.Black.
When will Johnny Test’s Ultimate Meatloaf Quest Release and Where to Enjoy it?
Johnny Test’s Ultimate Meatloaf Quest is all set to air on Tuesday, November 16, 2021. It will be having its premiere on popular streaming platform Netflix in English. The runtime is given to be twenty minutes. As of now, no other streaming alternatives are available for viewing as it’s a Netflix original series, so a subscription to this media provider is to be taken to stream the show.
What More About Johnny Test’s Ultimate Meatloaf Quest?
The previous season one, post revival, was telecasted on October 16, 2021, on Family Charged. This American animation of interactive special has been given the rating of TV-G. The original series comprised a total of six seasons that revolved around Johnny Test and his modified super dog Dukey. Jhonny’s twin sisters, Mary and Susan, form a brainy duo who use their younger brother in their scientific experiments that at times turn out to be outrageous.
But Jhonny is a courageous boy who is willing to do everything along with his dog Dukey and fights villains to save the world. The original show garnered a positive response post its debut and was considered a suitable, inventive show for kids than its counterparts. It also went on to get various nominations throughout its runtime. The revived series also stands out as a good watch and got a good response from the audience.
So the upcoming interactive special will not disappoint the viewers and can be given a watch only on Netflix on November 16, 2021.