Entourage’s South Korean show is a dark comedy-drama inspired by the American series by the same name. Being a directorial project of Jang Young-woo and penned by Seo Jae-won and Kwon So-ra, the television series focuses on the life of a budding star, his friends, and an agency boss who thrive in the glamourous entertainment industry and savor all the highs and lows in the journey.
Post its initial airing on the television network tvN on November 4, 2016, and termination on December 24, 2016, the show received comparatively less support from the domestic audience, mainly due to its prominent western influence and lack of the Korean touch. However, the show was very well received on an international level.
Studio DragonwhileHam Sung-hoon developed the show, and Shin Ye-Ji are the worthy producers. The series comprises a total of 16 episodes, with each of about 59 minutes long. Let’s dive in to find out what Entourage is all about.
K-Drama Entourage Review: What to Know Before Watching Entourage?
Entourage is the black comedy K-Drama that follows the life of a budding superstar Cha Young-bin (played by Seo Kang-Joon) who along with his pals Cha Joon (played by Lee Kwang-soo), Lee Ho-jin (played by Park Jung-min), and Geo-book (played by Lee Dong-hwi) survives in the entertainment industry and cherish each moment of their journey. The plot also has a boss of a management agency named Eun Gab (played by Cho Jin-Woong), who is responsible for transforming Young bin into a budding star from an ordinary good-looking boy.
The group tries to overcome all the problems thrown at them and enjoy every moment. The plot appears to be unlike the usual dramas from South Korea, so going for Entourage is not everyone’s cup of tea. Only the ones wanting a different taste of the K-drama will be attracted to see the series.
The story is also backed by various talented supporting actors like Ahn So-hee in the role of a young actress and young-bin’s love interest, Kim Hye-in, Amber Liu, Choi Myung-Gil, among various others. From time to time, guest appearances have also been made by Kim Tae-Ri, Ha Jung-woo, Nam Da-reum, Lee Tae-Im, to name a few of many more, to keep the story exciting and fans excited.
Where to Enjoy Entourage?
The series Entourage is not yet available on streaming platforms like Viki or Netflix. However, the K-drama can be enjoyed on other sites like Dramanice and Dramacool. Each episode is about 59 minutes in duration, and the total number of episodes making up the black comedy series is sixteen.
Final Take: Stream it or Skip it?
The K-Drama has received mixed reviews from the audience as well as the critics both in and outside Korea. Owing to its American vibes, the drama lacks typical k-drama charm and has got less viewership among the local audience. But internationally, the fans have liked it pretty much. The roles portrayed by the actors have been fully justified by them but owing to a loose storyline, the fans were not able to hook onto the show for long.
But if you were an avid fan of the American show by the same name, then this K-drama wouldn’t disappoint you. Moreover, if you are looking for a refreshing plot unlike the cliché dramas from South Korea, then Entourage can be a definite watch!