One The Woman is a 2021 South Korean television series that was first aired on September 17, 2021. The series is written by Kim Yoon and directed by Choi Hyeong-Hun. One The Woman revolves around the life of a young and rogue prosecutor called Jo Yeon – Joo, who wakes up from a coma only to know that she is suffering from Amnesia and is also mistaken to be another woman who happens to be the daughter of a billionaire.
The story unfolds around the events after Yeon Joo’s accident and has a romantic angle when Han Seung – Wook returns to South Korea to learn the reasons for his father’s death and stumbles upon his first love. The episodes are aired every Friday and Saturday and are all set for the release of its 13th episode on October 29, 2021, and it will be interesting to see what the makers have in store for the audience.
When is Episode 13 Releasing?
The first episode of One The Woman was released on September 17, 2021, followed by the weekly release of the episodes every Friday and Saturday. It is all set for the release of its 13th episode on October 29, 2021.
Where to Watch it?
The television drama series can be seen on SBS TV and is currently unavailable for streaming on other digital streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime. The series is all set for the release of its 13th episode on SBS TV at 22:00, according to the Korean Standard Time on October 29, 2021.
Episode 13 Plot Speculations
One The Woman revolves around the life of a young and rogue prosecutor called Jo Yeon- Joo, who wakes up from a coma only to know that she is suffering from Amnesia and is also mistaken to be another woman who happens to be the daughter of a billionaire. The story unfolds around the events after Yeon Joo’s accident and has a romantic angle when Han Seung – Wook returns to South Korea to learn the reasons for his father’s death and stumbles upon his first love.
The series is all set for the release of its 13th episode on October 29, 2021. The previous episodes shed light on the Hanju Factory Fire mystery and some romance brewing between Yeon Joo and Seung Wook despite their obstacles. The upcoming episode might shed some light on Yeon Joo’s link to Kang Mi Na’s family and the paternity test results that are yet to be disclosed by Sung Hye, who wants Kang Mi Na’s aunt to disclose them.
It will be quite interesting to see what else the makers have in store for the audience in the upcoming episode that will be released on October 29, 2021. While the series has managed to keep the audience hooked with its serious plotline and light-hearted romance, the makers of One The Woman are yet to disclose the plot synopsis for the 13th episode.
Who is in the Cast?
Honey Lee plays the main character of Yeon Joo as well as Kang Mi- Na, Kim Do- Yeon plays the character of young Yeon Joo and Kang Mi- Na, Lee Sang- Yeon plays the character of Han Seung Wook, Jin Seo- Yeon plays the character of Han Seung- Hye and Lee Won -Geun plays the character of Ahn Yoo- Jun.