Kayko and Kokosh is a Polish animated series that is inspired by the comic series by Janusz Christa named Kajko and Kokosz. The series is the first Polish language-based animated series that was released under Netflix’s original series. The first season of Kayko and Kokosh premiered on February 28, 2021. Maciej Kur and Rafal Skarzycki is the writer of the series. EGoFILM studio is the developed of Kayko and Kokosh, and the series has been running successfully for 2 seasons.
The series revolves around the lives of two Slavic soldiers who have taken up the responsibility to defend the village of Mirmilowo from the evil and notorious Knaveknights. The series is packed with fantasy, action, adventure, and comedy, making it a popular animated series on Netflix. Two seasons of Kayko and Kokosh have already been released, and the fans are eagerly waiting for the release of its third season.
When is Netflix Planning to Release Kayko And Kokosh Season 3?
The first season of Kayko and Kokosh premiered on February 28, 2021, and the series has been a hit ever since. Two seasons have already been released, and the fans definitely want to know when Netflix is planning to release season 3 of Kayko and Kokosh. If sources are to be believed, Netflix plans to release Kayko and Kokosh season 3 in early 2022.
As per reports, Kayko and Kokosh have been signed for 26 episodes, and 14 episodes have been released so far in seasons 1 and 2. This means the remaining episodes might be released as season 3 in some time at the beginning of 2022. As of now, there has been no official announcement from Netflix regarding the release date of season 3.
What is Kayko And Kokoshi Season 3 About?
The series revolves around the lives of two Slavic soldiers who have taken up the responsibility to defend the village of Mirmilowo from the evil and notorious Knaveknights. The series is packed with fantasy, action, adventure, and comedy, making it a popular animated series on Netflix.
The first two seasons explored various adventures that Kayko and Kokosh undergo. Season 3 might also follow the same trajectory of events, with both the warriors trying their best to resolve the different problems that arise. However, Hegemon’s fate is yet to be known, and whether he will be able to win and take over the village or will he be defeated by Kayko and Kososh is one thing that might be shown in season 3.
Who is in the Cast of Season 3?
The animated series cast includes Artur Pontek, who will be voicing Kayko, Michal Piela, who will be voicing Kokosh, Grzegorz Pawlak, who will be voicing Hegemon and Jaroslaw Boberek will be voicing Mirmil. Others like Agata Kulesza, Jan Aleksandrowicz, Abelard Giza, etc., might also return to lend their voices to various characters.
Where to Watch it?
Kayko and Kososh is available for streaming on Netflix. But as of now, only seasons 1 and 2 are available. If season 3 is released, there are high chances that it will also be released on Netflix itself.