The series Law and Order: Special Victims Unit is an ongoing series. The crime drama series originated from Law and Order’s original crime drama and acts as a spin-off series. The creator for both the original series and the spin-off series is Dick Wolf. Being the perfect mix of thriller, mystery, and drama, the series has been catering to its audience from the year 1999 and has more than five hundred episodes.
Even though this series is a crime drama, it takes a different approach. The series focuses on crimes that are sexual offenses. Mostly the victims are shown dead, but some episodes of the series work only through the victims’ statements. Many episodes of the series are based on real crimes that have taken place in the past. Some fictionalized elements are added in such stories, never losing the real story.
When to Watch the Next Episode of the Crime Series?
The ninth episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit is going to be released on December 9, 2021, as announced by the officials. The series is taking a break of almost a month before they will regularly release its further episodes. As usual, the series will release its new episodes once a week, every Thursday. The series is growing in popularity with the release of each new episode and is becoming the longest-running series.
What Should Fans Know Before Watching the Next Episode of the Series and What to Expect?
The upcoming episode will be a special episode that will run for approximately two hours, unlike its 40 mins to 50 mins timing. The series will be a special collaboration between Law and Order Special Victims Unit and Organized Crime. According to sources, the next episode of the series will focus on each character individually. Carisi and Benson have been in focus in the past episodes, and we can expect this upcoming episode to focus on both these characters.
As informed, it’s a special collaborative episode of the two spin-off series; we’ll see Richard Wheatley, who is the crime boss. The team and Benson will be quite baffled by this revelation, which will bring in many difficulties. Since it’s a two-hour episode, a lot is expected to happen, and it will keep the viewers waiting for its surprise. A promo of the series is available on YouTube, and fans can watch it to get a gist of what is yet to come.
The Recap of Episode Eight Before the Break
In the previous episode of the series, we saw that a murder investigation took place at the office. Carisi is seen asking for help from the Special Victims Unit as the witness of the cases showed signs that she was abused. The SVU team help her in the situation and found out the truth by interviewing the victim of abuse, who is also the witness of a murder.
Where to Watch the Upcoming Episode of Law and Order Special Victims Unit?
The official website of NBC and their cable channel are the primary sources to watch the series. Peacock, Hulu, DirecTV, etc., are also streaming platforms for the series. Episodes or seasons can be purchased on Amazon Prime, Google Play, etc.