Danger Next Door is an American suspense thriller film that was released on October 31, 2021, on Lifetime. The film is directed by Bill Corcoran and produced by Barbara Fisher and Moody Shwales. The film revolves around the life of a young couple who move to the country for peace and quiet. However, their neighbors are not what they seem to be, and the couple is caught up in the twisted fantasy of their neighbors.
Though the reviews are not out yet, the audience can definitely watch the film considering the intriguing and suspenseful storyline the film has to offer, along with a good cast.
What do You Need to Know Before Watching Danger Next Door?
Danger Next door is a thriller drama that was released on October 31, 2021, on Lifetime. The film revolves around the life of a young couple, Ben and Robin, who move to the country for peace and quiet, however, their neighbors are not what they seem to be, and the couple is caught up in the twisted fantasy of their neighbors. Even though Ben and Robin are financially secure and lead a secure life in the city, a mugging incident changes their perspective, and they move to the countryside to give their baby a healthy and safe space to grow up in.
However, even though their neighbors seem warm and friendly, how the young couple gets caught up in their messed-up ways is something that might keep the audience hooked. Also, what twisted fantasies the neighbors next door are cooking gives rise to the suspense factor of the film.
Who is in the Cast?
The main cast of the film includes Hannah Emily Andersin, who plays the character of Robbin and who is also known for her roles in films like My Father’s Other Family and Girl’s Night Out; Jake Epstein plays the character of Ben, who is also known for his roles in Suits and Designated Survivor; Kyra Harper plays the character of Sharon.
Kyana Teresa plays the character of Amanda, Paula Boudreau plays the character of Carla, James Kall plays the character of Dr. Frazier, Alexandra Floras Matic plays the character of Riley. Naya Liviah plays the character of Young Amanda. Given the strong star cast of the film, one can definitely watch the film, which happens to be one of the few old-school thrillers that have been released this year.
When is it Releasing and Where to Watch?
The film was released on October 31, 2021, on Lifeline and is available for streaming on Lifeline as well as other digital streaming platforms like Fubo TV, Philo, and Sting. The film is not available for streaming on various digital streaming services and whether or not any of the OTT platforms has claimed the rights is not yet. The film had a digital release, and this might be due to the growing demand for OTT shows and films in pandemic times.