The American drama film Imperfect High has been penned by Anne-Marie Hess. It is a follow-up of 2015 Bella Thorne starrer Perfect High. The movie has been the directorial venture of Siobhan Devine, while Kim Roberts and Tina Pehme are the producers (Sepia Films) for Lifetime, and cinematography has been by Kamal Derkaoui. The executive director for the drama is Sheri Singer. The production companies involved with the movie are Sepia Films and Just Singer Entertainment.
The protagonist for the film is ‘Sunnyside up’ fame Nia Sioux, a singer, dancer, and actor by profession, and this movie is her first Lifetime movie break. Previously, she has starred in Lifetime series by the name Dance Moms and gave her much recognition for her character NiaFrazer.
Joining her for the lead is Ali Skovbye, who has starred in series like Firefly Lane and Gabriel Darku, who was seen in shows like Impulse, American Gods, and others. The film also has Sherri Shepherd as the protagonist’s mother. She is a famous actress and a comedian who has been popular from films like Call Your Mother.
The movie is based on the sensitive issue of substance abuse and peer pressure and tries to portray the reality of what fitting in the society looks like in the present times through the character Hanna Brooks who tries her best to adapt to the new school and surroundings. The movie has been primarily shot in British Columbia.
Who’s Who in Imperfect High?
The movie comprises of the following cast-
- Nia Sioux in the character of Hanna Brooks
- Gabriel Darku essaying the role of Dylan
- Sherri Shepherd essaying the role of Deborah
- Samuel Braun essaying the role of Blake
- Anthony Timpano essaying the role of Rob
- Ali Skovbye essaying the role of Rose
- Danyelle Tan essaying the role of Fay
- Aiden Howard essaying the role of Cy
- Deborah Finkel essaying the role of Nurse O’Connor
- Matt Kennedy essaying the role of Ben
- Princess Davis essaying the role of Marcy
- Jamall Johnson essaying the role of the Principal Andrews
- Eddie Canelea essaying the role of the waiter
What is Imperfect High About?
The plot of the movie Imperfect High focuses on the life of a teenager named Hanna Brooks (played by Nia Sioux) who relocates into a new city and joins the new school. Her new school- Lakewood High School, had been in bad light-years back due to issues for substance use reported by its students. However, newcomer Hanna, who suffers from anxiety issues, finds it daunting to adapt to new surroundings. In order to sustain in the crowd, she desperately tries to befriend popular kids at school.
In doing so, she falls into the company of the wrong people, which eventually puts her in danger. Now it’s her mother who has to take matters into her hands and help her daughter overcome the situation.
When will Imperfect High Release?
Imperfect High has already been released on Lifetime TV Cable on Saturday, September 18, 2021, at 8.00 pm ET and 7.00 pm CT.