Secret Life of a Student, also known as A Lethal Lesson, is the latest thriller movie by Lifetime Movie Network. Jason James is the director; Kelly Peters and Amy Katherine Taylor are the writers of this movie. The movie is produced under the CMW Autumn Production company. The story is about a high school teacher Lauren Blois. She will be facing many problems in her life. The story will take a major turn when Lauren learns about the main culprit behind all her problems. Let us see what all we know about the movie.
Worth Watching or Not
Secret Life of a Student is a thriller movie by Lifetime. This movie is not based on a true story, but the points put forward by the movie are very brilliant and exciting. These days allegations of Sexual assault, abuse, and relationships are not unheard. These allegations can affect someone’s professional and personal life and even their emotions and mental health.
This movie has shown how Lauren’s personal and professional life changes after an angry student put false on her. This movie is full of thrill, suspense, emotions, and drama. We suggest everyone watch this series as the movie highlights some major points. And the moral of the story will teach us a life lesson.
About Release Date and Where to Watch
Lifetime’s Secret Life of a Student started its production in November 2020 and ended in December 2020. The shooting of this film took place in Vancouver, British Columbia. This movie was released on Thursday, September 23, 2021, by Lifetime Movie Network. It will be aired live on Lifetime Movie Network. It will also be available on Philo only for its subscriber. You can also watch this series for free on Philo as it offers few days of a free trial.
Story Plot
The main protagonist of the story will be Lauren Blois. She will be seen as a dedicated teacher in high school. Her life turned upside down when a student put false allegations on her, and her job was at risk. At the same time, she will face problems in her personal life as she will be losing custody of her adopted daughter. Lauren will examine all her life problems and understand that she has landed in that situation because of somebody very close to her.
The situation keeps on getting worse and making the movie more suspicious. Will the false allegation on Lauren be proven wrong or not, is the custody of her daughter taken from her or not, and will she continue with her teaching job. Stay tuned to get an answer to all the questions and the latest updates.
Cast Members
Some main cast members who were seen in Secret Life of a Student movie were:-
- Lauren Blois by Rhonda Dent, the main protagonist of the story
- Conner by Kaden Corrors
- Police Officer by Stephen Adekolu
- Waitress by Justyna Bania
- Principal Harris by Michael Benyaer
- Christine by Sasha Hayden
- Jessica by Leah Hennessey
- Mrs. Marrin by Kristina Matisic
- Maya by Shae Lynn Pearson
- Carlo Marks and Tegan Moss were also seen.
We saw many more cast members in the movie Secret Life of a Student.