Your Boyfriend’s mine is a Mystery Thriller Drama movie from Lifetime. The story follows the life of Sam. He is offered a job by a wealthy Businesswoman. Suspecting the intentions of the Woman Sam’s Girlfriend tells him to reject the offer.
Much to her surprise, Sam accepts the offer. Things start fine but slowly but surely his Employer’s demeanor changes. Amanda, his employer tries to make a pass at him which he promptly declines. Thinking nothing of its Sam went about his Day. What he didn’t know was women like Amanda did not like to be told not. Her little game quickly turns ugly endangering not only Sam’s life but his Girlfriends life also.
Meet The Cast
The protagonist of the movie is Ben Howard, played by British Actor Jamie Roy. Then we have American Actress Eli Janein the Role of Businesswoman and Movie Antagonist Amanda Roberts, Brey Noelle as Cali Gordon, Ben’s Girl Friend.
Jesse Malinowski in the role of Walker, Derek McDonnell in the role of Harrison, Sharonne Lanier playing Detective Fisher, and finally, we have American actor Chris Vaber in the role of Detective Moreno.
When to Expect the Movie
The movie is scheduled to air on the 19th of March 2022. It supposedly has a duration of 85 minutes or 1hr and 25 Minutes. The movie is rated TV-14 and has an IMDB rating of 5.9/10. The movie has generated a lot of Buzz and has all the makings of a good thriller film.
If you are a fan of the Mystery Thriller genre, then the movie is a must-watch for you. The premise of the movie has been used before but it’s still a fan favorite. Having a female villain is also refreshing. She is a Business Mogul will a lot of power and influence. There is no limit to what she is capable of doing.
Where to Watch the Movie
The movie will be shown exclusively on the Lifetime Channel. As of now none of the popular streaming services offer the movie. But time will tell. However, fans have no other way to watch the show unless they have access to the channel.
However, Amazon does offer the movie. Where you can either rent or buy the movie according to your preference. It is $2.99 for renting the movie and $4.99 for buying it. Both options are only available in High Definition. A small price to pay if you are a Thriller movie Enthusiast. Don’t you agree?
What to Expect From the Movie?
How far will a woman go to take revenge? And since she has a lot of power and influence there is no limit to what she can get away with. Let’s wait and see how Ben will save his life along with the ones he loves.