The series, Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir first has gained massive popularity and loyal fandom since it first aired on 1 September 2015. It is currently running on its 4th season with the highly anticipated season double-finale airing on March 20, 2022. The show has over 103 episodes with season 4 comprising of 26 episodes. The show is also all set to release its fifth season in July of this year and will consist of 26 episodes.
The Story So Far On Miraculous
In the previous episode, Shadow Moth was creating many Sentimonsters. If you are a newbie, Sentimonsters are magical creatures created by emotions and are bound to obey whoever possesses their amok. So now Shadow Moth has all these Sentimonters at his command weighing on the heroes.
Marinette fuses together the three Miraculous of Lady Bug, Horse, and Rabbit to fight against Shadow Moth but ultimately loses. Meanwhile, the Shadow moth is causing more and more irreversible damage and havoc around the city. WhileFelix is enacting cat noir deceiving ladybug.
Season 4, Episode 26 Predictions
In the new episode, episode 26, i.e., STRIKE BACK (SHADOW MOTH’S FINAL ATTACK). Shadow Moth has created many Sentimonsters that are weighing on all the superheroes and the city. Our heroes look tired and beaten up in the trailer.
They were using their last reserved powers all at once and charging towards Shadow Moth. But, Cat Noir is missing and Felix is deceiving everyone by enacting as the Cat Noir. This could possibly turn the whole power upside down.
We will also be finally revealed what Felix is up to and why he is enacting as Cat Noir and where real Cat Noir is. And since it’s the season finale, we will definitely see some twists and turns more intriguing than the rest of the episodes. Many new powers were activated and unified in the previous episode to fight Shadow Moth, suggesting that Shadow Moth is not one to go down easy.
Where Can You Watch It?
The show is available to stream on Disney+ and Gloob. It is available to stream on platforms such as Disney Channel, including, fuboTV, Hulu Live TV, Sling TV, Vidgo, DIRECTV STREAM, and YouTube TV.
Although Netflix released the three initial seasons on its platform, Disney has recently acquired the right for the fifth season. Therefore the Fifth Season of Miraculous Ladybug will release exclusively on Disney+.
Voice Actors for Miraculous Ladybug
Ladybug is played by Christina Valenzuela, Hawk is played by Keith Silverstein, Tilki played by Mela Lee, Plagh is played by Max Mittelman, Alya Césaire played by Carrie Karanen, Adrien Agreste is played by Bryce Papenbrook, Sela Victor is played by Chloé Bourgeois, Ben Diskin, Matthew Mercer, Kira Buckland, and André Gordon.