Based on a comic book series co-written by Brain Michael Bendis and David F Walker, Naomi is an upcoming superhero drama series. It is yet to be premiered on January 11, 2022. With the release date coming up, there are many predictions about the plot of the series. What exactly is Naomi about? Read below in this article.
Plot Of The Series
As Naomi is adapted from a comic book, there is a brief idea about how the plot will go. This TV series follows the life story of Naomi McDuffie. She suddenly acquires some superhero powers due to some radioactive energy. Now she has to find a way to control and deal with her newly found powers.
There are a total of 29 people who have received special powers. Out of which, only some use their power for good. Naomi is a top student who loves Spider-Man and superheroes. Due to her sudden change in behavior and actions, her parents and friends are worried as to how her future will be. Naomi, on the other hand, is thrilled about her new journey as a superhero, but little does she know what is waiting ahead of her.
There are many rumors that Naomi is related to the DC universe, and there will be a probable crossover with Arrowverse. However, the makers of the series have officially announced that there won’t be any crossovers in the first season of the series. In the trailer of Naomi, released by CW, we can see that there is a lot of differences between the comic book and series.
Cast Details
Naomi stars Kaci Walfall in the role of Naomi McDuffie (a student with special powers), Barry Watson plays Greg McDuffie (Naomi’s father), Mouzam Makkar plays the role of Jennifer McDuffie (Naomi’s mother).
In the supporting roles, there is Mary Charles Jones as Annabelle, Anthony Puig as Nathan, Camilla Moreno as Lourdes, Aidan Gemme as Jacob, Will Meyers as Anthony, and many others whom we will get to see as the new episodes releases.
Response Of Audience
Now that only little details about the series are available, audiences have made certain assumptions based on the comic book itself and the trailer of the show. Naomi’s trailer, from a wider view, may look like it’s an expansion of the DC universe, but these rumors have been dismissed by the show-makers.
With the release of the show, we will get a clear picture of where Naomi’s universe is headed and how different it is from the original comic book series.
Where To Watch?
Naomi will be broadcast on CW, and the first episode of the series will release on January 11, 2022. The episodes will air Tuesday at 9 p.m ET/PT on CW Network.
Written by women writers, you can definitely expect a lot of new ways to look at a superhero. When we always see men in the role of heroes, it will be a fresh change to have a teen girl playing superhero. Naomi will be a multi-seasonal series which means that there is a lot of developments that can be made with it. We will keep you updated with any news about Naomi’s upcoming episodes.